Cryogenic CMOS Becomes Cool

Cryogenic CMOS is a technology on the cusp, promising higher performance and lower power with no change in fabrication technology. The question now is whether it becomes viable and mainstream. Technologies often appear to be just on the horizon, not quite making it, but never too far out of sight. That's usually because some issue plagues it, and the incentive is not big enough to solve the ... » read more

The Foundations Of Computational Electromagnetics

Maxwell’s Equations can be expressed in multiple variants – there are integral and differential versions in both frequency and time domains, along with quasi-static and full-wave forms. Their elegance is evident upon sight yet for only the simplest systems are there known solutions. Thus, without assumptions to simplify the math and/or system under study, it is frequently impossible to full... » read more

New 5G Hurdles

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to talk about challenges and progress in 5G with Yorgos Koutsoyannopoulos, president and CEO of Helic; Mike Fitton, senior director of strategic planning and business development at Achronix; Sarah Yost, senior product marketing manager at National Instruments; and Arvind Vel, director of product management at ANSYS. What follows are excerpts of that conversat... » read more

Turning Signal Integrity Simulation Inside Out

So what does it mean to turn signal integrity simulation inside out? Modern simulation has physics-based solvers in the foreground supported by circuit and system simulation rather than the other way around. All electronic design is fundamentally based on Maxwell’s equations, so naturally the most rigorous way to deliver accurate simulation of high-performance systems is to solve those equ... » read more