The Week In Review: Aug. 26

By Mark LaPedus The evolving relationship between humans and machines is the key theme of Gartner’s most "hyped” technologies in 2013. Gartner has chosen to feature the relationship between humans and machines due to the increased hype around smart machines, cognitive computing and the Internet of Things. Gartner also released its updated chart of hyped technologies. SunEdison, formerly... » read more

450mm Silicon Wafer Issues Emerge

By Mark LaPedus The most critical component in semiconductor manufacturing is arguably the silicon wafer, but the substrate is often taken for granted in the supply chain. After all, silicon wafer makers have nearly perfected their craft over the years and produce what many consider mere commodities. And on the business front, silicon wafer makers often find themselves with excess capacity... » read more

Upping The Ante

The increasing number of research projects under way to solve many of the thorniest issues in the history of semiconductor design and manufacturing are a testament to just how tough the job has become. Never before have there been so many technological roadblocks at the same time—and so many potential options for solving them. Those challenges—or opportunities, as marketing execs like to... » read more

Don’t miss Fully-Depleted Tech Symposium during IEDM (SF)

Posted by Adele Hars, Editor-in-Chief, Advanced Substrate News ~  ~ If you want to cut through the noise surrounding the choices for 28nm and beyond, an excellent place to start is the SOI Consortium’s Fully Depleted Technology Symposium. As a member of the design and manufacturing communities, this is your chance to see and hear what industry leaders are actually doing. Planar? F... » read more

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