From Data To Safety On-The-Road Hardware Health Monitoring

The automotive industry is currently experiencing a transformation driven by electrification, connectivity, and autonomous driving. Vehicles require extensive computational capabilities and generate massive amounts of data. Future cars will embrace new architectures, becoming software-defined "computers on wheels" capable of hosting advanced applications, machine learning algorithms, and contin... » read more

Designing Resilient Electronics

Electronic systems in automobiles, airplanes and other industrial applications are becoming increasingly sophisticated and complex, required to perform an expanding list of functions while also becoming smaller and lighter. As a result, pressure is growing to design extremely high-performance chips with lower energy consumption and less sensitivity to harsh environmental conditions. If this ... » read more

Automotive, AI Drive Big Changes In Test

Design for test is becoming enormously more challenging at advanced nodes and in increasingly heterogeneous designs, where there may be dozens of different processing elements and memories. Historically, test was considered a necessary but rather mundane task. Much has changed over the past year or so. As systemic complexity rises, and as the role of ICs in safety-critical markets continues ... » read more

Analog Reliability Analysis for Mission-Critical Applications

Rapidly increasing electrical content in automobiles is driving the need for revolution in analog integrated circuit (IC) design methodology. Compared to designing for consumer electronics, designing for mission-critical applications—industrial, medical, space, and automotive—requires a different approach to reliability analysis. We will explore how reliability analysis needs to change for ... » read more