Research Bits: June 4

Ultra-pure silicon Researchers from the University of Manchester and University of Melbourne developed a technique to engineer ultra-pure silicon that could be used in the construction of high-performance qubit devices that extend quantum coherence times. The highly purified silicon chips house and protect the qubits so they can sustain quantum coherence much longer, enabling complex calcul... » read more

Chip Industry’s Technical Paper Roundup: July 12

New technical papers recently added to Semiconductor Engineering’s library: [table id=117 /] (more…) » read more

A Design Architecture For Optically Broadband Programmable PICs Utilizing Micromechanical Resonances 

A technical paper titled “Synchronous micromechanically resonant programmable photonic circuits” was published by researchers at The MITRE Corporation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sandia National Laboratories, University of Arizona, and Brookhaven National Laboratory. Abstract: "Programmable photonic integrated circuits (PICs) are emerging as powerful tools for the precise ... » read more

2021 CWE Most Important Hardware Weaknesses

"The 2021 CWE™ Most Important Hardware Weaknesses is the first of its kind and the result of collaboration within the Hardware CWE Special Interest Group (SIG), a community forum for individuals representing organizations within hardware design, manufacturing, research, and security domains, as well as academia and government. The goals for the 2021 Hardware List are to drive awarenes... » read more

Establishing A Special Interest Group On Common Hardware Weaknesses

It seems like almost every week yet another hardware security vulnerability is announced. Just last week a team of researchers disclosed a new attack called “Platypus”, an acronym for "Power Leakage Attacks: Targeting Your Protected User Secrets.” This is another attack exploiting the simple fact that hardware sits below the conventional security abstractions and finding a vulnerability i... » read more