The Semiconductor Revolution And The Role Of Adaptable Testing

The semiconductor industry, the backbone of modern technology, is experiencing a rapid evolution driven by the increasing demands for higher performance, greater functionality, and lower power consumption. This evolution is creating new challenges and opportunities in the testing of mixed signal and RF semiconductors and electronics devices, making the need for adaptable and flexible test syste... » read more

Integration Hurdles For Analog And RF In Next-Gen Packages

A rapid increase in wireless connectivity and more sensors, coupled with a shift away from monolithic SoCs toward heterogeneous integration, is driving up the amount of analog/RF content in systems and changing the dynamics within a package. Since the early 2000s, the majority of chips used at the most advanced nodes were systems-on-chip (SoCs). All features had to fit into a single planar S... » read more

Demystifying Mixed-Signal Simulation For Digital Verification Engineers

The convergence of analog and digital technologies on a single chip, commonly referred to as mixed-signal, has reshaped the integrated circuit (IC) landscape. In recent years, mixed-signal designs have emerged as the dominant technology, therefore requiring traditional analog and digital methodologies to be enhanced. A mixed-signal design offers many advantages, including boosted performance, r... » read more

Use Tcl To Save Signals More Efficiently In AMS Simulations

Saving signal waveforms during a simulation is one of the basic ways to check the simulation results. However, with large SoC designs, it’s not always practical to save all signals during simulation, and the simulation performance might also be impacted by the number of signals being saved. Therefore, a crucial part of the simulation setup is to specify the expected and essential signals to s... » read more

Electro-Thermal Design Breakthrough

Electronic component manufacturers have traditionally provided models in SPICE format, so customers can simulate their application circuits and better understand the features, capabilities, and interactions of those parts in the system context. Now, with BCI ROM, a similar and parallel thermal model supply chain can develop. This technology breakthrough arrives at a time of component design-in ... » read more

A Hierarchical And Tractable Mixed-Signal Verification Methodology For First-Generation Analog AI Processors

Artificial intelligence (AI) is now the key driving force behind advances in information technology, big data and the internet of things (IoT). It is a technology that is developing at a rapid pace, particularly when it comes to the field of deep learning. Researchers are continually creating new variants of deep learning that expand the capabilities of machine learning. But building systems th... » read more

Extending The Benefits Of UVM To Include AMS: An Update On Accellera’s UVM-AMS Standard Development

By Tom Fitzpatrick and Peter Grove SoC teams can be divided up into design and verification groups. For digital designs, the Universal Verification Methodology (UVM), initially developed by Accellera and now standardized as IEEE 1800.2, has been the industry standard for the past decade. Since most SoC designs also have analog and mixed-signal IP blocks, it would be ideal for verification en... » read more

Improving Design Collaboration In The Age Of Remote Work

Teams of analog and mixed signal (AMS) design and layout engineers spend countless hours extracting every ounce of performance out of their design. They continually make incremental changes daily to the design until the very end, as close to tape out as possible. Each change made to the design requires corresponding changes to the circuit layout. As technology advances, accounting for the paras... » read more

Algorithm HW Framework That Minimizes Accuracy Degradation, Data Movement, And Energy Consumption Of DNN Accelerators (Georgia Tech)

This new research paper titled "An Algorithm-Hardware Co-design Framework to Overcome Imperfections of Mixed-signal DNN Accelerators" was published by researchers at Georgia Tech. According to the paper's abstract, "In recent years, processing in memory (PIM) based mixed-signal designs have been proposed as energy- and area-efficient solutions with ultra high throughput to accelerate DNN com... » read more

Auto Chipmakers Dig Down To 10ppb

How do engineers deliver 10 defective parts per billion (Dppb) to auto makers if they only screen 1 million parts per year? Answer: By comprehending failure mechanisms and proactively screening for them. Modern automobiles contain nearly 1,000 ICs that must perform over the vehicle’s life (15 years). This drives quality expectations ever higher. While 10 Dppm used to be a solid benchmark, ... » read more

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