NIST Releases “Vision And Strategy for the National Semiconductor Technology Center”

A paper titled "A Vision and Strategy for the National Semiconductor Technology Center" was published by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The paper describes how the NSTC (National Semiconductor Technology Center) will develop and safeguard chips and technologies of the future. “The NSTC will be an ambitious public-private consortiu... » read more

Week In Review: Design, Low Power

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) outlined its plan for a National Semiconductor Technology Center (NSTC) to be created using a share of the $11 billion in funds from the CHIPS Act marked for research and development. While a large portion of the CHIPS Act investment is set to boost U.S. fabs and manufacturing capabilities, the NSTC aims to also support the design side, ... » read more

Re-shoring And Rebuilding The IC Supply Chain

Raj Jammy, chief technologist at MITRE Engenuity and executive director of the Semiconductor Alliance, sat down with Semiconductor Engineering to talk about changes in the supply chain, where and how to leverage different capabilities, and why advanced packaging and manufacturing are so critical to economic security. SE: The global supply chain for semiconductors appears to be splintering. W... » read more

Tomorrow’s Semiconductor Workforce

With tens of billions directly allocated to spur growth in this essential industry, now is the time for us to focus on a critical challenge: ensuring that as this industry grows exponentially, we create a pipeline for the next generation of semiconductor workers, from the manufacturing floor to the design suites. The semiconductor industry’s growth will ripple throughout the nation, creating ... » read more

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