Silicon Reimagined: New Foundations For The Age of AI

The semiconductor industry is undergoing a pivotal transformation driven by the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and the slowing of traditional Moore’s Law scaling.  In this comprehensive 42 page report, several key trends shaping the industry’s future are highlighted. The push toward more specialized architectures tailored for specific workloads, particularly in AI. The critic... » read more

Uncore Frequency Scaling For Energy Optimization In Heterogeneous Systems (UIC, Argonne)

A new technical paper titled "Exploring Uncore Frequency Scaling for Heterogeneous Computing" was published by researchers at University of Illinois Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory. Abstract "High-performance computing (HPC) systems are essential for scientific discovery and engineering innovation. However, their growing power demands pose significant challenges, particularly as sys... » read more

Why Your Data Center Needs a Digital Twin

The global digital twin market is on a rapid ascent, projected to skyrocket from $11.51 billion in 2023 to $137.67 billion by 2030. Spanning industries from aerospace to healthcare, digital twins are becoming an essential tool for efficient management. But what is a digital twin? Essentially, it’s a digital replica of any real-world entity—a product, system, or process—used for simulation... » read more

Lower Your Power Consumption For Battery-Operated Smart Devices

Striking the right balance between battery life and customer experience The number of connected smart home battery-operated devices is expected to grow as consumers look for new ways to retrofit their homes with IoT devices without power cabling. This change leaves device makers in search of new ways to make their battery-operated smart home products more power-efficient at all levels, while st... » read more

Where Power Savings Really Count

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss why and where improvements in architectures and data movement will have the biggest impact, with Hans Yeager, senior principal engineer, architecture, at Tenstorrent; Joe Davis, senior director for Calibre interfaces and EM/IR product management at Siemens EDA; Mo Faisal, CEO of Movellus; Trey Roessig, CTO and senior vice presi... » read more

IC Power Optimization Required, But More Difficult To Achieve

Power optimization is playing an increasingly vital role in chip and chip and system designs, but it's also becoming much harder to achieve as transistor density and system complexity continue to grow. This is especially evident with advanced packages, chiplets, and high-performance chips, all of which are becoming more common in complex designs. Inside data centers, racks of servers are str... » read more

Making Sensors More Reliable

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to talk about the latest issues in sensors with Prakash Madhvapathy, director of product marketing, Tensilica audio/voice DSPs group at Cadence; Kevin Hughes, senior product manager for MEMS sensors at Infineon; and Matthew Hogan, product management director at Siemens EDA. What follows are excerpts of that conversation. [L-R] Kevin ... » read more

Supercomputing Efficiency Lags Performance Gains

In last month’s article, Top 500: Frontier is Still on Top, I wrote about the latest versions of the Top500 and Green500 lists. Power is an incredibly important aspect of designing a world performance leading supercomputer. (Why, I can remember back to when you could run the world’s fastest machine on only a couple MW of power.) The first Green500 list was published back in 2013. Happy 1... » read more

Smart Devices Enabled To Efficiently Communicate, Sense, Hear, Act And Interact With User

The latest advancements in embedded systems and communication and sensing technology have led to the increasing development of smart applications. This has been a continuously evolving process, involving either the creation of completely new solutions or the rapid transformation of existing ones into corresponding highly smart environments. The main driving forces of the smart transformation ha... » read more

Algorithm HW Framework That Minimizes Accuracy Degradation, Data Movement, And Energy Consumption Of DNN Accelerators (Georgia Tech)

This new research paper titled "An Algorithm-Hardware Co-design Framework to Overcome Imperfections of Mixed-signal DNN Accelerators" was published by researchers at Georgia Tech. According to the paper's abstract, "In recent years, processing in memory (PIM) based mixed-signal designs have been proposed as energy- and area-efficient solutions with ultra high throughput to accelerate DNN com... » read more

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