Resilient And Secure Programmable SoC Accelerator Offload (KAUST)

A technical paper titled “Resilient and Secure Programmable System-on-Chip Accelerator Offload” was published by researchers at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). Abstract: "Computational offload to hardware accelerators is gaining traction due to increasing computational demands and efficiency challenges. Programmable hardware, like FPGAs, offers a promising plat... » read more

FPGA Graduates To First-Tier Status

Robert Blake, president and CEO of Achronix, sat down with Semiconductor Engineering to talk about fundamental shifts in compute architectures and why AI, machine learning and various vertical applications are driving demand for discrete and embedded FPGAs. SE: What’s changing in the FPGA market? Blake: Our big focus is developing the next-generation architecture. We started this projec... » read more

Using ASICs For AI Inferencing

Flex Logix’s Cheng Wang looks at why ASICs are the best way to improve performance and optimize power and area for inferencing, and how to add flexibility into those designs to deal with constantly changing algorithms and data sets. » read more