A Safety Island For Safe Use of HPC Devices For Safety-Critical Systems with RISC-V

A technical paper titled “Envisioning a Safety Island to Enable HPC Devices in Safety-Critical Domains” was published by researchers at Barcelona Supercomputing Center and Intel. Abstract: "HPC (High Performance Computing) devices increasingly become the only alternative to deliver the performance needed in safety-critical autonomous systems (e.g., autonomous cars, unmanned planes) du... » read more

Traceability Is Not My Problem (Is It?)

What is all the fuss about traceability? If it is that important, should it be handled by a compliance group? Delegating to a separate team would be the preference for most design and verification team members, but it is not possible in this case. Traceability stops short of a big brother organization constantly looking over the shoulders of the development team. The more reasonable approach is... » read more

Safety Islands In Safety-Critical Hardware

Safety and security have certain aspects in common so it shouldn’t be surprising that some ideas evolving in one domain find echoes in the other. In hardware design, a significant trend has been to push security-critical functions into a hardware root-of-trust (HRoT) core, following a philosophy of putting all (or most) of those functions in one basket and watching that basket very carefully.... » read more