Manufacturing Shifts To AI Of Things

AI is being infused into the Internet of Things, setting the stage for significant improvements in manufacturing productivity, improved uptime, and reduced costs — regardless of market segment. The traditional approach to improving manufacturing equipment reliability and efficiency is regular scheduled maintenance. While that is an improvement over just fixing or replacing equipment when i... » read more

Always-On DSPs

There are tradeoffs between powering circuits down to save power and waking them up to respond to voice and visual commands. Prakash Madhvapathy, director of product marketing and product management at Cadence, talks about the best ways to deploy digital signal processors, why multiple DSPs are often better than just one, and what penalties there are for various approaches. » read more

Innovations In Sensor Technology

Sensors are the “eyes” and “ears” of processors, co-processors, and computing modules. They come in all shapes, forms, and functions, and they are being deployed in a rapidly growing number of applications — from edge computing and IoT, to smart cities, smart manufacturing, hospitals, industrial, machine learning, and automotive. Each of these use cases relies on chips to capture d... » read more

Big Changes Ahead For Inside Auto Cabins

The space we occupy inside our vehicles is poised to change from mere enclosure to participant in the driving experience. Whether for safety or for comfort, a wide range of sensors are likely to appear that will monitor the “contents” of the vehicle. The overall approach is referred to as an in-cabin monitoring system (ICMS), but the specific applications vary widely. “In-cabin sensing... » read more

A DSP For Implementing High-Performance Sensor Fusion On An Embedded Budget

By Markus Willems and Pieter van der Wolf Sensor fusion refers to the combining of data from multiple sensors to obtain more complete and accurate results. By using the information provided by multiple sensing devices, it is possible to achieve better context awareness. Smart mobile devices, autonomous driving, smart home appliances, industrial control, and robotics are just a few of the app... » read more

Get Ready For The Next Generation Of Wearable Tech

Wearables have attracted a lot of attention recently, due to both their successes as well as failures. They bring together requirements for packaging, new substrates, power scavenging, low-power, novel connectivity, flexibility, durability, as well as fashion. While some of the challenges remain formidable, the long-term potential is driving the industry to look at what is possible. They are... » read more

Competing Auto Sensor Fusion Approaches

As today’s internal-combustion engines are replaced by electric/electronic vehicles, mechanical-system sensors will be supplanted by numerous electronic sensors both for efficient operation and for achieving various levels of autonomy. Some of these new sensors will operate alone, but many prominent ones will need their outputs combined — or “fused” — with the outputs of other sensor... » read more

Sensor Fusion Everywhere

How do you distinguish between background noise and the sound of an intruder breaking glass? David Jones, head of marketing and business development for intuitive sensing solutions at Infineon, looks at what types of sensors are being developed, what happens when different sensors are combined, what those sensors are being used for today, and what they will be used for in the future. » read more

Changes In Sensors And DSPs

Pulin Desai, group director for product marketing, management and business development at Cadence, talks about why processing is moving closer to the end point, how to save energy through reduced area and sensor fusion, and the impact of specialization, 3D capture and always-on circuits. » read more

Making Lidar More Useful

Lidar, one of a trio of “vision” technologies slated for cars of the future, is improving both in terms of form and function. Willard Tu, director of automotive at Xilinx, talks with Semiconductor Engineering about different approaches and tradeoffs between cost, compute intensity and resolution, various range and field of view options, and why convolutional neural networks are so important... » read more

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