The Good And Bad Of Chiplets

The chiplet model continues to gain traction in the market, but there are still some challenges to enable broader support for the technology. AMD, Intel, TSMC, Marvell and a few others have developed or demonstrated devices using chiplets, which is an alternative way to develop an advanced design. Beyond that, however, the adoption of chiplets is limited in the industry due to ecosystem issu... » read more

The Need For Traceability In Auto Chips

Someday your car will drive itself to a repair shop for a recall using a scheduling application that is both efficient and can prioritize which vehicles need to be fixed first. But that's still a ways off. Proactive identification of issues is not yet available. To be ready for that, today’s data analytics systems need to begin supporting targeted recalls, enabling predictive maintenance a... » read more

Standard Evolution

I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Lu Dai, chairman of Accellera Systems Initiative and senior director of engineering for Qualcomm. SE: I have noticed a change in the way that Accellera operates these days. In the past, standards were driven by the EDA companies, but recently we have seen a lot more end-user company involvement and they are the companies driving new standards. ... » read more

HBM Issues In AI Systems

All systems face limitations, and as one limitation is removed, another is revealed that had remained hidden. It is highly likely that this game of Whac-A-Mole will play out in AI systems that employ high-bandwidth memory (HBM). Most systems are limited by memory bandwidth. Compute systems in general have maintained an increase in memory interface performance that barely matches the gains in... » read more

Challenges In Printed And Disposable Chips

Printing inexpensive chips using technology developed for newspapers and magazines is gaining traction across a wide range of applications, from photovoltaic cells to sensors on a flexible substrate. But it's also adding a slew of new challenges that are unique to this approach. The world of flexible hybrid electronics (FHE) — printing integrated circuits on or attaching thin IC chips to a... » read more

Determining What Really Needs To Be Secured In A Chip

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss what's needed to secure hardware and why many previous approaches have been unsuccessful, with Warren Savage, research scientist in the Applied Research Laboratory for Intelligence and Security at the University of Maryland; Neeraj Paliwal, vice president and general manager of Rambus Security; Luis Ancajas, marketing director for IoT security softw... » read more

Testing Autonomous Vehicles

Jeff Phillips, head of automotive marketing at National Instruments, talks about how to ensure that automotive systems are reliable and safe, how test needs to shift to adapt to continual updates and changes, and why this is particularly challenging in a world where there is no known right answer. » read more

Six Things You Need To Know About USB Instrument Control

With plug-and-play connectivity and the near ubiquity of USB ports on modern PCs and laptops, USB has become a popular choice for controlling stand-alone instrumentation. As more instrument manufacturers begin to include USB ports on their devices, it is important to understand several issues surrounding USB to ensure the longevity of your test system. To read more, click here. » read more

Challenges In IP Reuse

Jeff Markham, software architect at ClioSoft, explains why IP reuse is so important in advanced process node SoC chip designs, what companies need to keep track of when working with third-party IP, and how it needs to be characterized. » read more

Taking Self-Driving Safety Standards Beyond ISO 26262

I participated in a couple of sessions at Arm TechCon this year, the first on how safety is evolving for platform-based architectures with a mix of safety-aware IP and the second on lessons learned in safety and particularly how the industry and standards are adapting to the larger challenges in self-driving, which obviously extend beyond the pure functional safety intent of ISO 26262. Here I w... » read more

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