Finding Frameworks For End-To-End Analytics

End-to-end analytics can improve yield and ROI on tool purchases, but reaping those benefits will require common data formats, die traceability, an appropriate level of data granularity — and a determination of who owns what data. New standards, guidelines, and consortium efforts are being developed to remove these barriers to data sharing for analytics purposes. But the amount of work req... » read more

Enablers And Barriers For Connecting Diverse Data

More data is being collected at every step of the manufacturing process, raising the possibility of combining data in new ways to solve engineering problems. But this is far from simple, and combining results is not always possible. The semiconductor industry’s thirst for data has created oceans of it from the manufacturing process. In addition, semiconductor designs large and small now ha... » read more

Making Test Transparent With Better Data

Data is critical for a variety of processes inside the fab. The challenge is getting enough consistent data from different equipment and then plugging it back into the design, manufacturing, and test flows to quickly improve the process and uncover hard-to-find defective die. Progress is being made. The inspection and test industry is on the cusp of having more dynamic ways to access the dat... » read more

Chip Monitoring And Test Collaborate

As on-chip monitoring becomes more prevalent in complex advanced-node ICs, it’s easy to question whether or not it conflicts with conventional silicon testing. It might even supplant such testing in the future. Or alternatively, they could interact, with each supporting the other. “On-chip monitors provide fine-grained observability into effects and issues that are otherwise difficult or... » read more

Introduction To Test Data Formats

This blog is intended to provide an introduction to STDF and ATDF data formats. This is not intended to be definitive, only an introduction. If you are experienced with seeing data in spreadsheets and tables, then STDF is very different from what you are used to. Here we try to explain. STDF is the “Standard Test Data Format” developed jointly between some of the largest test equipment v... » read more

Why Data Format Slows Chip Manufacturing Progress

The Standard Test Data Format (STDF), a workhorse data format used to pull test results data from automated test equipment, is running out of steam after 35 years. It is unable to keep up with the explosive increase in data generated by more sensors in various semiconductor manufacturing processes. First developed in 1985 by Teradyne, STDF is a binary format that is translated into ASCII or ... » read more

New Data Format Boosts Test Analytics

Demand for more and better data for test is driving a major standards effort, paving the way for one of most significant changes in data formats in years. There is good reason for this shift. Data from device testing is becoming a critical element in test program decisions regarding limits and flows. This is true for everything from automotive and medical components to complex, heterogeneous... » read more

Data Becomes Key For Next-Gen Chips

Data has become vital to understanding the useful life of a semiconductor — and the knowledge gleaned is key to staying competitive beyond Moore’s Law. What's changed is a growing reliance earlier in the design cycle on multiple sources of data, including some from further right in the design-through-manufacturing flow. While this holistic approach may seem logical enough, the semiconduc... » read more

Home Analysis Of STDF Data

STDF data files can be very large, often tens of megabytes, sometimes over a gigabyte for a single file. When you’re working from home and only have a desktop tool for analysis, you’ll have to download the data first from your work network. Even if the files are compressed first, they are still large and many times you would be required to analyze dozens of data files to really understand a... » read more

5 Important Tips For Working With STDF

The STDF datalog format developed by Teradyne has become the de facto standard in datalog formats in the semiconductor industry as most modern ATE manufacturers support the format. Data processing of the STDF files often require reading the binary files and converting them to formats that are human-readable or for input into a database. It is also possible that the STDF file is converted to ATD... » read more