New Challenges Emerge With FinFETs

Working at advanced process nodes is always tricky. There are new things to worry about and more rules to deal with initially, yet the promised benefit is improved performance, power and area, or cost. But at the next process node, and the one after that, there are so many variables coming into play that trying to make sense of the PPA equation is becoming much more difficult. Early reports ... » read more

Seven Ways To Improve PPA Before Moving To FinFETs

Henry Ford wrote in his autobiography, “Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black.” And for decades, the semiconductor industry has marched to a similar theme set by Moore’s Law. But with the transition to finFETs harder than it first appeared, questions are beginning to pop up that is fueling a new level of confusion. While the growing list of... » read more

Experts At The Table: What’s Missing In The IoT

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss the future of the IoT with Oleg Logvinov, director of market development for STMicroelectronics’ Industrial and Power Conversion Division; Martin Lund, senior vice president of the IP Group at Cadence; Naveed Sherwani, president and CEO of Open-Silicon; and Damon Hernandez, a member of the Web3D Consortium. What follows are excerpts of that conver... » read more

User Case Study

In prior articles I’ve written in general terms of about formally verifying the impact of adding low power control circuitry with Jasper’s Low Power Verification App. At the recent Jasper User’s Group meeting on Oct. 22, a real world case study of this app in action at STMicro’s R&D center in India was presented. Here are some highlights from this paper: DUT in question: an AR... » read more

ARM Cortex-A53, UPF & FD-SOI

The IEEE Standards Association Symposium on Electronic Design Automation (EDA) Interoperability was held on Oct. 24. I found the first session, Interoperability Challenges: Power Management in Silicon, with presentations by Erich Marschner of Mentor Graphics and Stuart Riches and Adnan Khan (both from ARM) to be particularly interesting. Earlier this year, the IEEE announced a new version of UP... » read more

Experts At The Table: What’s Missing In The IoT

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss the future of the IoT with Oleg Logvinov, director of market development for STMicroelectronics’ Industrial and Power Conversion Division; Martin Lund, senior vice president of the IP Group at Cadence; Naveed Sherwani, president and CEO of Open-Silicon; and Damon Hernandez, a member of the Web3D Consortium. What follows are excerpts of that conver... » read more

The Week In Review: Manufacturing & Design

Silver surfers represent a more important technology market than “Generation X” and “Generation Y,” according to research from Gartner. Silver surfers are people in middle age or approaching old age. Although most technologists fail to recognize this fact, they are very interested in using technology and also have the time and the resources to pursue their interests, according to Gartne... » read more

Week In Review: Manufacturing & Design

Don’t look now, but Intel is expanding its foundry business. Previously, Intel garnered a small collection of foundry customers. But Intel would not entertain foundry customers that had competitive products based on ARM chips. Apparently, Intel is having a change of heart. “I think they’ve changed their position,” said Nathan Brookwood, a research fellow at Insight 64. “They will do A... » read more

The Week In Review: Oct. 11

By Mark LaPedus & Ed Sperling Demand is running high for DRAMs, thanks to last month’s fab fire at Hynix’ China plant. “The impact from Hynix' fab fire seems to be far more extensive than we had originally thought. We now think the factory is most likely up at the earliest by May/June 2014, which certainly provides robust pricing support for DRAM. Hynix is in the process of convertin... » read more

The Week In Review: Oct. 4

By Mark LaPedus & Ed Sperling eSilicon introduced an automated multi-project wafer quote system, which allows companies to sort through a number of options and get pricing. The quotes are tied into TSMC's 20nm to 350nm processes, and GlobalFoundries’ 20nm to 180nm processes. The approach eliminates the need for companies to buy a full wafer if their volume requirements don’t warrant it... » read more

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