A Design Flow For Critical Embedded Systems

Learn how IP encapsulation/packaging and interoperability using IP-XACT enabled automation in a complex verification & validation flow for aeronautical systems. Includes usage of these capabilities integrated using Arteris SoC integration technology: HW/SW codesign RTL, SystemC TLM and PSL Instruction Set Simulators Click here to read more. » read more

RISC-V: Advanced Virtual Prototyping Solutions

New technical paper titled "Advanced virtual prototyping for cyber-physical systems using RISC-V: implementation, verification and challenges" from researchers at Institute of Computer Science, University of Bremen and Cyber-Physical Systems, DFKI GmbH. Abstract "Virtual prototypes (VPs) are crucial in today’s design flow. VPs are predominantly created in SystemC transaction-level modelin... » read more

DAC 2018: System Design, Cloud And Machine Learning

This marks the 10th DAC that I have covered as a blogger. At DAC 2008 in Anaheim, the industry had just come together behind the SystemC TLM 2.0 standard to enable virtual platforms, finally getting to model interoperability. System design is the common thread that is also present in this year’s DAC in 2018 in San Francisco. But a lot has changed. Big data analytics, artificial intelligence a... » read more