Functional Compaction for Functional Test Sequences (Purdue University, I. Pomeranz)

A new technical paper titled "Functional Compaction for Functional Test Sequences" was published by IEEE Fellow Irith Pomeranz at Purdue University. Abstract: "The occurrence of silent data corruption because of hardware defects in large scale data centers points to the advantages of applying functional test sequences to detect hardware defects that escape scan-based tests. When using funct... » read more

Welcome To EDA 4.0 And The AI-Driven Revolution

By Dan Yu, Harry Foster, and Tom Fitzpatrick Welcome to the era of EDA 4.0, where we are witnessing a revolutionary transformation in electronic design automation driven by the power of artificial intelligence. The history of EDA can be delineated into distinct periods marked by significant technological advancements that have propelled faster design iterations, improved productivity, and fu... » read more

Portable Test and Stimulus Standard Version 1.0

The definition of the language syntax, C++ library API, and accompanying semantics for the specification of verification intent and behaviors reusable across multiple target platforms and allowing for the automation of test generation is provided. This standard provides a declarative environment designed for abstract behavioral description using actions, their inputs, outputs, and resource depe... » read more