System-Level Benefits Of The Versal Platform

Moore's Law has fueled the technological prosperity of the last 50 years, but it is generally believed now that Gordon Moore's 1965 forecast about the pace of innovation no longer holds true today. Continuing the silicon architectures of yesterday cannot meet the expanding demands of tomorrow's workloads. Frequently highlighted by today’s leaders in the field of computer architecture, to meet... » read more

ACAP At The Edge With The Versal AI Edge Series

This white paper introduces the AI Edge series to the Versal ACAP portfolio, a domain-specific architecture (DSA) that meets the strenuous demands of systems implemented in the 7nm silicon process. This series is optimized to meet the performance-per-watt requirements of edge nodes at or near the analog-digital boundary. Here, immediate response to the physical world is highly valued, and in ma... » read more

Synthetic Aperture And Plane Wave Ultrasound Imaging With Versal ACAP

Medical ultrasound is the most widely accepted and available form of diagnostic imaging today because of many significant advantages. It uses low-energy acoustic waves, and there are no known harmful side-effects on patients unlike potential ionizing radiation from X-rays or CT scans. Ultrasound can capture dynamic soft issue images, which X-rays cannot. Ultrasound systems are compact and trans... » read more

Versal Premium ACAPs: Breakthrough Integration of Networked IP On A Power-Optimized, Adaptable Platform

In every market across the world, continuous demand for higher bandwidth metro and core networks scales beyond what today's technologies can support. Data center-centric scientific, enterprise, and consumer applications demand more efficient, higher performance compute that scales beyond what traditional technologies can match. Discrete solutions cannot meet performance, thermal, and bandwidth ... » read more