
Versal Premium ACAPs: Breakthrough Integration of Networked IP On A Power-Optimized, Adaptable Platform

How to achieve breakthrough heterogeneous integration, very high-performance compute, connectivity, and security on an adaptable platform with a minimized power and area footprint.


In every market across the world, continuous demand for higher bandwidth metro and core networks scales beyond what today’s technologies can support. Data center-centric scientific, enterprise, and consumer applications demand more efficient, higher performance compute that scales beyond what traditional technologies can match. Discrete solutions cannot meet performance, thermal, and bandwidth requirements. The Versal Premium ACAP provides breakthrough heterogeneous integration, very high-performance compute, connectivity, and security on an adaptable platform with a minimized power and area footprint. This highly integrated platform allows users to focus on their unique core competencies and novel algorithms, rather than designing connectivity and memory infrastructure, to achieve the earliest possible time to market. This white paper describes the unique Versal Premium ACAP features, reviews selected use cases, and outlines the benefits of the integrated hardware and software platform for hardware developers, software developers, and data scientists alike.

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