Week In Review: Design, Low Power

AI/ML in EDA; Imagination’s new CEO; Synopsys qualified for GF 22FDX.


Si2 launched an industry-wide survey to identify planned usage and structural gaps for prioritizing and implementing artificial intelligence and machine learning in EDA. A recently formed Si2 Special Interest Group is conducting the survey as part of an effort to identify where industry collaboration will help eliminate deficiencies caused by a lack of common languages, data models, labels, and access to robust and categorized training data.

Groq adopted Synopsys’ ZeBu Server 4 emulation solution for its Tensor Streaming Processor (TSP) architecture development. Groq cited the performance and capacity required to efficiently analyze performance and ability to optimize and validate the TSP architecture prior to silicon.

Hexing is using Arm’s Pelion Device Management along with standard-based Wi-SUN compliant connectivity for its next-generation advanced metering infrastructure. Wi-SUN provides a mesh network architecture that minimizes direct cellular connections while Pelion provides maintenance and OTA updating capability.

GlobalFoundries qualified Synopsys’ IC Validator for its 22FDX platform. Signoff DRC, DFM, LVS and metal fill runsets and tech files are now available from GF.

UltraSoC and Agile Analog are teaming up to combine UltraSoC’s embedded on-chip analytics with Agile Analog’s advanced on-chip analog monitoring IP to enable the detection and prevention of ‘analog interference’ cyber attacks that circumvent traditional security measures by tampering with underlying systems such as power supply levels or clock signals.

Imagination Technologies has a new CEO. Ron Black stepped down as CEO and from the board this week. Replacing him is Ray Bingham, currently Executive Chairman and a Partner at Canyon Bridge, the private equity firm that acquired Imagination in 2017. Bingham was previously CEO and executive chairman at Cadence and has held board positions on numerous semi companies.

Many conferences have now been cancelled, postposed, or moved online. Find out what’s happening with each at our events page. How about checking out a webinar instead? Plus, on May 1 at 11:00 a.m. PST, the ESD Alliance will host a webcast with Jim Hogan and Methodics’ Simon Butler, who will discuss bootstrapping a startup and successfully creating a new market segment. The discussion will be followed by a Q&A.

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