Why HPC Chip Designers Are Looking Into Linear Pluggable Optics

The technical complexities of retiming in the context of PCIe and Ethernet over linear pluggable optics.


This paper delves into the technical complexities and emerging trends in integrating linear pluggable optics within AI chip design. The rapid growth of hyperscale data centers, driven by the demands of LLMs and transformative AI applications, requires innovative solutions optimized for power, latency, and bandwidth. Emerging industry standards are ensuring interoperability between independently designed SerDes and photonic components, enhancing system reliability. As deployment cycles rapidly advance, with switches moving from 25.6 Tbps to 51.2 Tbps and beyond, and port speeds escalating from 400 Gbps to 800 Gbps and 1.6 Tbps, managing power consumption and reducing latency become increasingly critical. The linear drive approach eliminates the re-timing phase within the optical module, thereby reducing power consumption and latency, and addressing up to 13 dB channel loss to meet stringent performance standards.

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