Advanced Real‐Time Video Image Recognition

Automated driver assistance systems (ADAS) used to be expensive until Mobileye figured out how to use inexpensive cameras with advanced visual processing to help make cars autonomous.


In this 4-page paper, created with the participation of Mobileye, you will learn how the world’s #1 vision-based ADAS company uses Arteris FlexNoC interconnect IP to address demanding high bandwidth and low-latency requirements.

By using FlexNoC interconnect IP for its EyeQ3 and EyeQ4 product lines, Mobileye was able to address the following issues:

  • Maintain low latency while connecting 10 or more heterogeneous video and image processing units
  • Easily connect IP cores using multiple incompatible protocols for communication
  • Enable end-to-end QoS to simultaneously optimize high throughput and low latency traffic
  • Address die size, power consumption, timing closure and verification issues as the SoC scales upward in complexity and number of IP blocks

This short paper is a valuable aid to understanding how NoC technology helped solve Mobileye’s challenges, resulting in an even better product.

Click here to read more.

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