Predictive Health Monitoring In Functional Safety

Functional safety first became a major issue for the semiconductor industry in 2011 with the introduction of the ISO 26262 standard for implementing functional safety in the automotive industry. Before that, functional safety had already been standardized in a general manner for all industries since the end of the 1990s in IEC 61508. However, in the field of industrial automation, where the IEC... » read more

Microelectronics For Quantum Technologies

By Kay-Uwe Giering and Andy Heinig The transition of the quantum mechanics realm into engineering applications is opening up a large number of disruptive quantum technological opportunities. Their success relies on the recent technological advancements, which enable the controlled creation of individual quantum mechanical systems as well as their direct manipulation and measurement. Quantum ... » read more

The Reliability Of Analog Integrated Circuits And Their Simulation-Aided Verification

Different challenges have to be overcome when designing integrated circuits. Besides schematic and layout design work, verification in view of the non-ideal behavior of circuits and semiconductor technologies in particular is also relevant. The designed circuits have to work at specific operating voltages and within ambient temperature ranges and be robust in terms of process fluctuations ... » read more

Active Learning: Integrating Natural Intelligence Into Artificial Intelligence

Today, very few people would likely deny the fact that data can present major added value for companies. But analyzing data from production processes reveals the incompleteness of data collection and the associated reduced potential of the data that can be leveraged. Typical shortcomings include: Incomplete representation of processes in the dataspace, Inadequate connection of processes... » read more

Chiplets: Current Status

Recent weeks have seen a number of interesting developments in the area of chiplets. An increasing number of products based on chiplets have been brought to market, especially in the processors segment. For example, Apple and AMD now have processors with chiplets on the market and under production in high volumes. On one hand, this means that sufficient production capacity has now been built up... » read more

How Do I Come To Trust An Electronic Component?

Can I trust all of the electronic systems in my vehicle, for example if I’m driving my car at a high speed on the highway or in city traffic at a confusing intersection? Will all of the vehicle’s sensors work as they should and correctly recognize all of the possible dangers around me? In modern vehicles and complex industrial plants today, a number of sensors and many electronic compone... » read more

Virtual Testing Of Automotive Sensor Systems

The development of vehicles has always been a discipline of mechanical engineering. After all, cars were always about the engine, the power, the efficiency. Traditionally, the development of the complex overall automotive system has always been carried out in accordance with classical principles of mechanical engineering, for example by using development models like the V-model. Although the pr... » read more

Enhancing Datasets For Artificial Intelligence Through Model-Based Methods

By Dirk Mayer and Ulf Wetzker Industrial plants and processes are now digitized and networked, and AI can be used to evaluate the data generated by those facilities to increase productivity and quality. Machine learning (ML) methods can be applied to: Product quality classification in complex production processes. Condition monitoring of technical systems, which is used, for examp... » read more

Continuous Integration For Digital Design

By Christian Skubich and Nico Peter In 2001, the Manifesto for Agile Software Development [1] laid the foundation for many modern software development processes. Today, 20 years later, agile methods are in widespread use in numerous domains. Out of the participants in the study Status Quo (Scaled) Agile 2020 [2], only 9% still relied on classic project management methods. One core element... » read more

Development Of Distributed Intelligent Systems With The Robot Operating System

Networked robotic systems are increasingly prevalent. In addition to industrial robotics now firmly ensconced in manufacturing, applications are also being developed in the areas of logistics, medical technology, and even unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV). In general, robotic systems are still centrally controlled by a PLC based on statically planned tasks... » read more

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