A New Era In Requirements Management

Project teams face a host of challenges when developing semiconductors compliant to a safety critical market. ISO 26262 drives state-of-the art safety critical designs for automotive electronics, DO-254 for airborne electronics hardware, and IEC61508 for industrial electronics, to name a few. In the context of ISO 26262, much of the discussion in recent years has been on challenges addressin... » read more

Navigating The Intersection Of Safety And Security

Automotive IC safety and security continue to be hot topics across the industry, and one phrase you may often hear during discussion is: An automotive IC can be secure without needing to be safe, but an automotive IC cannot be safe without also being secure. Adding a bit of detail to that: An automotive IC which has an incomplete security architecture provides potential attack vectors w... » read more

What You Need To Know About Qualifying Tools For DO-254 Programs

By Michelle Lange and Tammy Reeve, Patmos Engineering Services, and Jacob Wiltgen, Siemens EDA DO-254, which is required for airborne electronics development, is a design assurance standard. Design assurance requires multiple layers of review and verification within the development process to ensure safe operation of the design being produced. This means when an engineer is doing design work... » read more

Streamline DO-254 Compliance With Model-Based Design

By Eric Cigan, MathWorks, and Jacob Wiltgen, Siemens EDA The purpose of DO-254 (formally known as RTCA/ DO-254 or ED80) is to provide guidance for the development of airborne electronic hardware. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), and other worldwide aviation safety authorities require this standard to ensure that complex electronic hardware us... » read more

Reducing Schedule Slips With Automated Post-Route Verification Of SerDes High Speed Serial Links

Most high-speed serial links don’t get verified once routing is complete because the process is time consuming and skill-intensive – and SI experts are in short supply. As a result, most serial channels are laid out according to rules, verified through manual inspection, and released to fabrication without thorough analysis. Unverified channels can result in lengthy (and hectic) prototype d... » read more

Leaning Into The SoC Power Methodology

As inflation skyrockets and the price of everything increases seemingly by the hour, finding ways to trim time and costs are more valuable than ever. Lean manufacturing was introduced by the Toyota Motor Corporation almost 100 years ago, laying the framework for future generations of manufacturing and industrial settings. Lean manufacturing is a methodology that focuses on minimizing waste w... » read more

Safeguarding A Digital Transformation Across The Entire Product Lifecycle

In 2020, the SolarWinds breach highlighted the emergence of software supply chain attacks as a very real security threat that impacted many high-profile companies. (The software supply chain includes third-party and open-source components used in a software product.) Then in late 2021, not to be outdone, the massive scope of the Log4j vulnerability emerged, impacting millions of consumer produc... » read more

Data Security Drives Innovative Verification Capabilities For SoCs

The protection and integrity of data is a key challenge for organizations and businesses as human interactions with computers have expanded enormously. This has created a vast amount of information and led to the age of “Big Data” where massive, rich data sets are collected and analyzed to advance knowledge and progress in multiple fields. The security of this data has become a critical nee... » read more

The Changing Automotive Industry Landscape

By Lance Brooks and Brendan Morris Consumer demand for sophisticated highly connected vehicles that provide advanced features is forcing the global automotive industry to develop more advanced electrical and electronic (E/E) architectures. The increasing adoption of connected features in all categories and segments, including on and off-road vehicles, is also driving powerful smart features ... » read more

Standards And Threat Testing For Secure Autonomous Vehicles

Modern vehicles continue to move up through the levels of autonomy, as defined by The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). These definitions have been widely adopted across the industry and emerging vehicle technology is measured against this scale (figure 1). Fig. 1: An illustration from the Society for Automotive Engineers shows levels of autonomy. The closer we move towards level... » read more

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