The Road To Autonomous Driving Is Paved With New Opportunities For Chip Companies

The migration from human-driven to self-driven vehicles in the next few years will provide the semiconductor industry with new opportunities. Vehicles on the road today have so far featured only a few digital enhancements and even less automation. Indeed, the most noticeable enhancements have been made in the advancement of the infotainment console within the dashboard – the ability to str... » read more

Securing Automotive Over-The-Air (SOTA) Updates

Modern vehicles are essentially a network of networks – equipped with a range of embedded communication methods and capabilities. Consequently, there is broad industry consensus that vehicle cyber security should rank as a top priority for the automotive sector. In this context, automotive OEMs have begun to provide secure over-the-air (SOTA) updates for various systems. Recently, the non-... » read more

Get eFPGA With Your CPU Now

eFPGA is available now on mainstream process nodes (40, 28 and 16), in sizes from 200 LUTs to 200K LUTs and with options for DSP and RAM integration to fit almost any customer need. Flex Logix has been working for some time with multiple customers on integrating eFPGA with their CPUs: ARM, RISC-V, Tensilica and others. Bus interfaces include AXI, AHB, APB and TL. Our lead customer has workin... » read more

A Better Way To Connect The Home

The concept of a fully ‘connected home’ has been discussed for more than 20 years. However, widespread proliferation has taken far longer than anyone could have originally imagined. For a long time, deployment activity seemed to be limited to a relatively small number of high value installations. These installations were generally complicated to implement and their operation was not very us... » read more

What Are You Going To Do About IoT Security?

We’re almost inured these days to cybercrime—the frequency of the hacks, the incomprehensible scale of compromised accounts, their contents vulture-pecked clean. It’s estimated that cybercrime steals half a trillion dollars each year from the global economy. Much of this is enabled by us as users, succumbing to phishing attacks and just being lazy about good password hygiene. The cybe... » read more

Effective Management Of System Designs

With the advent of the Internet-of-Things (IoT), system designs are slowly but surely becoming more complex. They now use heterogeneous architectures both on the System-on-Chip (SoC) and within a package. These systems typically have multiple different CPU cores, hardware accelerators, memories, network-on-chip (NoC) fabrics and numerous peripheral interfaces. Now, add to this the complexiti... » read more

The Case For Combining CPUs With FPGA Fabrics

Given that the industry is beginning to reach the limits of what can physically and economically be achieved through further shrinkage of process geometries, reducing feature size and increasing transistor counts is no longer achieving the same result it once did. Instead the industry is, quite rightly, focusing on fundamentally new system architectures and making better use of available silico... » read more

Big Trucks Go Electric, Autonomous

As the automotive ecosystem increases efforts across the board including commoditization as part of the ramp to autonomous vehicles, the news feed is replete with examples. In the area of big trucks, Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation (MFTBC), part of Daimler Trucks, said at the recent Tokyo Motor Show that it would electrify its complete range of trucks and buses in upcoming years. F... » read more

Recipe For Automotive IC Design Success

“Not a computer science project!” That’s how an automotive IC design manager I worked with once described IC design in a product definition meeting. I liked his viewpoint. What he meant was: This is a business, not an academic exercise or homework assignment. There are competitors, customers, and opportunity for success and failure. Despite the massive opportunity for the chip industry, d... » read more

Ethernet In Cars

The automobile is encountering possibly the biggest changes in its technological progression since the invention of the internal combustion engine nearly 150 years ago. Increasing levels of autonomy will reshape how we think about cars and car travel. It won’t be just a matter of getting from point A to point B while doing very little else — we will be able to keep on doing what we want whi... » read more

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