Reducing The Cost of Cache Coherence By Integrating HW Coherence Protocol Directly With The Programming Language

A new technical paper titled "WARDen: Specializing Cache Coherence for High-Level Parallel Languages" was published by researchers at Northwestern University and Carnegie Mellon University. Abstract: "High-level parallel languages (HLPLs) make it easier to write correct parallel programs. Disciplined memory usage in these languages enables new optimizations for hardware bottlenecks, such ... » read more

FPGA-based Infrastructure, With RISC-V Prototype, to Enable Implementation & Evaluation of Cross-Layer Techniques in Real HW (Best Paper Award)

A technical paper titled "MetaSys: A Practical Open-Source Metadata Management System to Implement and Evaluate Cross-Layer Optimizations" was published by researchers at University of Toronto, ETH Zurich, and Carnegie Mellon University. This paper won the Best Paper Award at the HiPEAC 2023 conference. Abstract: "This paper introduces the first open-source FPGA-based infrastructure, MetaSy... » read more

Co-Design View of Cross-Bar Based Compute-In-Memory

A new review paper titled "Compute in-Memory with Non-Volatile Elements for Neural Networks: A Review from a Co-Design Perspective" was published by researchers at Argonne National Lab, Purdue University, and Indian Institute of Technology Madras. "With an over-arching co-design viewpoint, this review assesses the use of cross-bar based CIM for neural networks, connecting the material proper... » read more

CXL-Based Memory Pooling System Meets Cloud Performance Goals And Significantly Reduces DRAM Cost

A technical paper titled "Pond: CXL-Based Memory Pooling Systems for Cloud Platforms" was published by researchers at Virginia Tech, Intel, Microsoft Azure, Google, and Stone Co. Abstract "Public cloud providers seek to meet stringent performance requirements and low hardware cost. A key driver of performance and cost is main memory. Memory pooling promises to improve DRAM utilization and t... » read more

Ternary LIM Operation of the TNAND and TNOR Universal Gates Using DG Feedback FETs

A technical paper titled "Logic-in-Memory Operation of Ternary NAND/NOR Universal Logic Gates using Double-Gated Feedback Field-Effect Transistors" was published by researchers at Korea University. Abstract "In this study, the logic-in-memory operations are demonstrated of ternary NAND and NOR logic gates consisting of double-gated feedback field-effect transistors. The component transistor... » read more

Microarchitectural Side-Channel Attacks And Defenses On Non-Volatile RAM

A new technical paper titled "NVLeak: Off-Chip Side-Channel Attacks via Non-Volatile Memory Systems" was written (preprint) by researchers at UC San Diego, UT Austin, and Purdue University. Abstract "We study microarchitectural side-channel attacks and defenses on non-volatile RAM (NVRAM) DIMMs. In this study, we first perform reverse-engineering of NVRAMs as implemented by the Intel Optane... » read more

Review of Methods to Design Secure Memristor Computing Systems

A technical paper titled "Review of security techniques for memristor computing systems" was published by researchers at Israel Institute of Technology, Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany), and Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology (IPHT). Abstract "Neural network (NN) algorithms have become the dominant tool in visual object recognition, natural language processing, and robotic... » read more

Index-Based Multi-Core BDD Package With Dynamic Memory Management & Reduced Fragmentation

A technical paper titled "EDDY: A Multi-Core BDD Package with Dynamic Memory Management and Reduced Fragmentation" was published by researchers at University of Bremen. ABSTRACT "In recent years, hardware systems have significantly grown in complexity. Due to the increasing complexity, there is a need to continuously improve the quality of the hardware design process. This leads designers t... » read more

In-Memory Computing: Assessing Multilevel RRAM-Based VMM Operations

A new technical paper titled "Experimental Assessment of Multilevel RRAM-Based Vector-Matrix Multiplication Operations for In-Memory Computing" was published by researchers at IHP (the Leibniz Institute for High Performance Microelectronics). Abstract: "Resistive random access memory (RRAM)-based hardware accelerators are playing an important role in the implementation of in-memory computin... » read more

ISA and Microarchitecture Extensions Over Dense Matrix Engines to Support Flexible Structured Sparsity for CPUs (Georgia Tech, Intel Labs)

A technical paper titled "VEGETA: Vertically-Integrated Extensions for Sparse/Dense GEMM Tile Acceleration on CPUs" was published (preprint) by researchers at Georgia Tech and Intel Labs. Abstract: "Deep Learning (DL) acceleration support in CPUs has recently gained a lot of traction, with several companies (Arm, Intel, IBM) announcing products with specialized matrix engines accessible v... » read more

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