Repurposing Josephson Junctions At The Cell Boundaries For Fan-out (UCSB)

A technical paper titled "Low-Cost Superconducting Fan-Out with Repurposed Josephson Junctions" was published by researchers at UC Santa Barbara.  The paper received an award at the Applied Superconductivity Conference in Oct 2022 and was highlighted in this UCSB news article. Abstract: "Superconductor electronics (SCE) promise computer systems with orders of magnitude higher speeds and lo... » read more

Connecting Quantum Devices With Sound

A new technical paper titled "On-chip distribution of quantum information using traveling phonons" was published by researchers at TU Delft, Center for Nanophotonics, AMOLF, and Eindhoven University of Technology. "Physicists from the Gröblacher lab at TU Delft have built a device that can link different quantum devices and qubits to each other. This device, a silicon chip with vibrations t... » read more

Simulating the Groundstate and Dynamics of Quantum Critical Systems

A new technical paper titled "Simulating groundstate and dynamical quantum phase transitions on a superconducting quantum computer" was published by researchers at London Centre for Nanotechnology, University College London, University of Massachusetts, and Google Quantum AI. Abstract (partial) "The phenomena of quantum criticality underlie many novel collective phenomena found in condensed... » read more

Six Qubit Processor (TU Delft, QuTech, TNO)

A new technical paper titled "Universal control of a six-qubit quantum processor in silicon" was just published by researchers at Delft University of Technology, QuTech and Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO). "We increase the number of qubits and simultaneously achieve respectable fidelities for universal operation, state preparation and measurement. We design, fa... » read more

Functional-Engineered MXene Transistors

A new technical paper titled "High-throughput design of functional-engineered MXene transistors with low-resistive contacts" was published by researchers at Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore. Abstract (partial): "Two-dimensional material-based transistors are being extensively investigated for CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) technology extension; nevertheless, down... » read more

Spin–Orbit Qubit With A Single Hole Electrostatically Confined In A Natural Silicon Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Device

A new technical paper titled "A single hole spin with enhanced coherence in natural silicon" was published by researchers at Université Grenoble Alpes, CEA, LETI, and CNRS. Abstract: "Semiconductor spin qubits based on spin–orbit states are responsive to electric field excitations, allowing for practical, fast and potentially scalable qubit control. Spin electric susceptibility, however,... » read more

Optimizing Quantum Sensors

A new technical paper titled "Dissipative Superradiant Spin Amplifier for Enhanced Quantum Sensing" was published by researchers at the University of Chicago and Simon Fraser University, British Columbia. According to the University of Chicago news release, the researchers examined how qubits interact with each other and discovered a better way of extracting information out of the qubits by ... » read more

Mass Producing Qubits (Imec and KU Leuven)

This new technical paper titled "Path toward manufacturable superconducting qubits with relaxation times exceeding 0.1 ms" was published by researchers at Imec and KU Leuven. Abstract "As the superconducting qubit platform matures towards ever-larger scales in the race towards a practical quantum computer, limitations due to qubit inhomogeneity through lack of process control become app... » read more

ML Architecture for Solving the Inverse Problem for Matter Wave Lithography: LACENET

This recent technical paper titled "Realistic mask generation for matter-wave lithography via machine learning" was published by researchers at University of Bergen (Norway). Abstract: "Fast production of large area patterns with nanometre resolution is crucial for the established semiconductor industry and for enabling industrial-scale production of next-generation quantum devices. Metasta... » read more

Max Planck Generates Up To 14 Entangled Photons In A Defined Way And With High Efficiency

A new technical paper titled "Efficient generation of entangled multiphoton graph states from a single atom" was published by researchers at Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics. The team of physicists "generated up to 14 entangled photons in an optical resonator, which can be prepared into specific quantum physical states in a targeted and very efficient manner. The new method could facil... » read more

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