Last-Level Cache

Kurt Shuler, vice president of marketing at Arteris IP, explains how to reduce latency and improve performance with last-level cache in order to avoid sending large amounts of data to external memory, and how to ensure quality of service on a chip by taking into account contention for resources. » read more

PCIe 5.0 Drill-Down

Suresh Andani, senior director of product marketing for SerDes IP at Rambus, digs into the new PCI Express standard, why it’s so important for data centers, how it compares with previous versions of the standard, and how it will fit into existing and non-von Neumann architectures. » read more

Building A Safety Verification Flow

Sal Alvarez, senior manager of application engineering at Synopsys, explains how safety verification differs from functional verification, what changes with failure mode effects analysis, and how to determine and verify the effectiveness of safety features. » read more

Enterprise-Class DRAM Reliability

Brett Murdock, product manager for memory interfaces at Synopsys, examines demand for DDR5 and DDR4 in both on-premise and cloud implementations, what features are available for which versions, how they affect performance and power, how ECC is implemented, and how the data moves throughout these systems. » read more

Improving Circuit Reliability

Carey Robertson, product marketing director at Mentor, a Siemens Business, examines reliability at advanced and mainstream nodes, particularly in automotive and industrial applications, what’s driving growing concern about the reliability and fidelity of analog circuits, and the impact of running circuits for longer periods of time under different voltage and environmental conditions. » read more

What’s In Your IP?

Jeff Markham, software architect at ClioSoft, talks with Semiconductor Engineering about IP traceability in markets such as automotive and aerospace, what’s actually in IP, what should not be in that IP from a security standpoint, and how all of this data can used to avert system reliability issues in the future. » read more

Understanding SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping)

Amol Borkar, senior product manager for AI and computer vision at Cadence, talks with Semiconductor Engineering about mapping and tracking the movement of an object in a scene, how to identify key corners in a frame, how probabilities of accuracy fit into the picture, how noise can affect that, and how to improve the performance and reduce power in these systems. » read more

Automotive Chip Design Workflow

Stewart Williams, senior technical marketing manager at Synopsys, talks about the consolidation of chips in a vehicle and the impact of 7/5nm on automotive SoC design, how to trade off power, performance, area and reliability, and how ISO 26262 impacts those variables. » read more

Changes In AI SoCs

Kurt Shuler, vice president of marketing at ArterisIP, talks about the tradeoffs in AI SoCs, which range from power and performance to flexibility, depending on whether processing elements are highly specific or more general, and the need for more modeling of both hardware and software together. » read more

Software In Inference Accelerators

Geoff Tate, CEO of Flex Logix, talks about the importance of hardware-software co-design for inference accelerators, how that affects performance and power, and what new approaches chipmakers are taking to bring AI chips to market. » read more

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