
Method To Determine The Permittivity of Dielectric Materials in 3D Integrated Structures At Broadband RF Frequencies


A new technical paper titled “Characterizing the Broadband RF Permittivity of 3D-Integrated Layers in a Glass Wafer Stack from 100 MHz to 30 GHz” was published by researchers at NIST.

“We present a method for accurately determining the permittivity of dielectric materials in 3D integrated structures at broadband RF frequencies. With applications of microwave and millimeter-wave electronics on the rise, reliable methods for measuring the electrical properties of dielectrics used in integrated circuits are critical. We outline an on-wafer method for extracting the permittivity of a 3D multilayer glass structure from 100 MHz to 30 GHz using S-parameter measurements of different calibration chips. Our method can be used to inform better design of metrology for dielectric materials for 3D integrated circuit technologies.”

Find the technical paper here. (Note, there is a local download option.). July 2024.

Pawlik, J. , Karpisz, T. , Derimow, N. , Evans, S. , Booth, J. , Orloff, N. , Long, C. and Stelson, A. (2024), Characterizing the Broadband RF Permittivity of 3D-Integrated Layers in a Glass Wafer Stack from 100 MHz to 30 GHz, 2024 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium – IMS 2024, Washington, DC, US, [online], https://doi.org/10.1109/IMS40175.2024.10600278, https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=957051 (Accessed September 25, 2024)

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