
New Class of Electrically Driven Optical Nonvolatile Memory


A new technical paper titled “Electrical Programmable Multi-Level Non-volatile Photonic Random-Access Memory” was published by researchers at George Washington University, Optelligence, MIT, and the University of Central Florida.

Researchers demonstrate “a multi-state electrically-programmed low-loss non-volatile photonic memory based on a broadband transparent phase change material (Ge2Sb2Se5, GSSe) with ultra-low absorption in the amorphous state. A zero-static-power and electrically-programmed multi-bit P-RAM is demonstrated on a silicon-on-insulator platform, featuring efficient amplitude modulation up to 0.2 dB/{\mu}m and an ultra-low insertion loss of total 0.12 dB for a 4-bit memory showing a 100x improved signal to loss ratio compared to other phase-change-materials based photonic memories. We further optimize the positioning of dual micro-heaters validating performance tradeoffs. Experimentally we demonstrate a half-a million cyclability test showcasing the robust approach of this material and device. Low-loss photonic retention-of-state adds a key feature for photonic functional and programmable circuits impacting many applications including neural networks, LiDAR, and sensors for example,” states the paper.

Find the technical paper here. Published 2022.

arXiv:2203.13337v5. Jiawei Meng, Yaliang Gui, Behrouz Movahhed Nouri, Gelu Comanescu, Xiaoxuan Ma, Yifei Zhang, Cosmin-Constantin Popescu, Myungkoo Kang, Mario Miscuglio, Nicola Peserico, Kathleen A. Richardson, Juejun Hu, Hamed Dalir, Volker J. Sorger.

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