
Polynesia, A Novel Hardware/Software Cooperative Design for In-Memory HTAP Databases


A team of researchers from ETH Zurich, Google and Univ. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign recently published a technical paper titled “Polynesia: Enabling High-Performance and Energy-Efficient Hybrid Transactional/Analytical Databases with Hardware/Software Co-Design”.

Abstract (partial)
“We propose Polynesia, a hardware–software co-designed system for in-memory HTAP [hybrid transactional/analytical processing] databases that avoids the large system for in-memory HTAP databases that avoids the large throughput losses of traditional HTAP systems. Polynesia (1) divides the HTAP system into transactional and analytical processing islands, (2) implements new custom hardware that unlocks software optimizations to reduce the costs of update propagation and consistency, and (3) exploits processing-in-memory for the analytical islands to alleviate data movement overheads. Our evaluation shows that Polynesia outperforms three state-of-the-art HTAP systems, with average transactional/analytical throughput improvements of 1.7×/3.7×, and reduces energy consumption by 48% over the prior lowest-energy HTAP system.”

Find the technical paper here, slides here, and video talk here.  Published 2022.

Authors: Amirali Boroumand, Saugata Ghose, Geraldo F. Oliveira, Onur Mutlu.

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