CD Spec For Curvilinear Masks

Within the photomask industry, there's a major transformation from conventional Manhattan masks to more advanced curvilinear masks. Researchers from D2S and Micron Technology propose an equivalent CD spec for the curvy masks and use this spec to show that curvy masks have smaller mask variations than Manhattan masks. Find the technical paper here. Published June 2024. Linyong (Leo) Pang, ... » read more

High-NA EUV May Be Closer Than It Appears

High-NA EUV is on track to enable scaling down to the Angstrom level, setting the stage for chips with even higher transistor counts and a whole new wave of tools, materials, and system architectures. At the recent SPIE Advanced Lithography conference, Mark Phillips, director of lithography hardware and solutions at Intel, reiterated the company’s intention to deploy the technology in high... » read more

Multi-Patterning EUV Vs. High-NA EUV

Foundries are finally in production with EUV lithography at 7nm, but chip customers must now decide whether to implement their next designs using EUV-based multiple patterning at 5nm/3nm or wait for a new single-patterning EUV system at 3nm and beyond. This scenario revolves around ASML’s current extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography tool (NXE:3400C) versus a completely new EUV system with... » read more