Improving 2.5D Components

A lot of attention is being focused on improving designs at established, well-tested nodes where processes are mature, yields are high, and costs are under control. So what does this mean to stacking die? For 2.5D architectures, plenty. For 3D, probably not much. Here’s why: The advantage of 2.5D is that it can utilize dies created at whatever node makes sense. While the initial discuss... » read more

Disruptive R&D

Leading university researchers presented their most promising technologies — describing developments ranging from sustainable metal cluster technology (that’s already spawned three notable startups) to resonance-based detection for more accurate MEMS devices — at the new Breakthrough Research Technologies session and the Silicon Innovation Forum at SEMICON West 2014. OSU metal cluster... » read more

Executive Insight: Aart de Geus

SE: What worries you most? De Geus: Everything I do is with high intensity, and what is of super high intensity right now—and there are challenges and opportunities in it—is that we have the confluence of some very big changes right now happening at the same time. On the technology side, there are multiple intersections. One is the intersection of another 10 years of Moore’s Law—finF... » read more

Tech Talk: Silicon Photonics

Mentor Graphics' John Ferguson explains why light is getting so much attention for inter-chip communications, where it excels, and why it has limitations. This is the first part in a two-part series. [youtube vid=0ydkDmrSrF4] » read more

Experts At The Table: What’s Next?

Semiconductor Engineering sat down with Sumit DasGupta, Si2; Simon Bloch, Samsung; Jim Hogan; Mike Gianfagna, vice president of marketing at eSilicon (VP of corporate marketing at Atrenta when this roundtable was held). What follows are excerpts of that discussion. SE: The future of technology isn’t just about technology. It’s about people and regulations, as well. Where are the hurdles ... » read more

System Bits: Dec. 10

Lasers From Nano Wires A few weeks ago, Semiconductor Engineering published a special report about silicon photonics and concentrated on the integration of the laser onto the silicon surface. Growing III-V materials on silicon is problematic because of the lattice mismatch, but researchers at the Technische Universität München (TUM) may have found a way around that problem. Thread-like semic... » read more

Is There Light At The End Of Moore’s Tunnel

Electrons are slow, clumsy and quite easily distracted. They’re slow because it now takes a signal longer to cross a chip than the period of the clock signal. They often don’t travel in straight lines as they collide with other atoms. And electromagnetic interference between adjacent signals can mess with the information they are transferring. On the other hand, light has none of these p... » read more

System Bits: Nov. 5

Silicon Photonics And Graphene The industry is looking towards silicon photonics that will increase the rate at which electronic systems can communicate with each other and reduce power consumption. Researchers at MIT, Columbia University and IBM’s T. J. Watson Research Center are already a few steps beyond the traditional attempts to build optical components using materials such as Gallium ... » read more

Experts At The Table: Who Pays For Low Power?

By Ed Sperling Low-Power/High-Performance Engineering sat down to discuss the cost of low power with Fadi Gebara, research staff member for IBM’s Austin Research Lab; David Pan, associate professor in the department of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Texas; Aveek Sarkar, vice president of product engineering and support at Apache Design; and Tim Whitfield, director o... » read more

Experts At The Table: Issues In Lithography

By Mark LaPedus Semiconductor Manufacturing & Design sat down to discuss future lithography challenges with Juan Rey, senior director of engineering at Mentor Graphics; Aki Fujimura, chairman and chief executive at D2S; and Tatsuo Enami, general manager for the sales division at Gigaphoton. What follows are excerpts of that conversation. SMD: What is the general state of the next-genera... » read more

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