AI Transformer Models Enable Machine Vision Object Detection

The object detection required for machine vision applications such as autonomous driving, smart manufacturing, and surveillance applications depends on AI modeling. The goal now is to improve the models and simplify their development. Over the years, many AI models have been introduced, including YOLO, Faster R-CNN, Mask R-CNN, RetinaNet, and others, to detect images or video signals, interp... » read more

Creating IP In The Shadow Of ISO 26262

On many levels, designing IP for the automotive sector is similar to targeting aerospace or medical devices — human lives are at risk if something goes wrong, and the list of regulations is significant. In practice, it can turn an interesting chip design project into a complex and often frustrating checklist exercise. In the case of ISO 26262, that includes a 12-part standard for automotiv... » read more

Solving the AppSec Puzzle: Connecting AppSec To Your DevOps Pipeline

Integrating application security (AppSec) into your software development life cycle and DevOps pipeline is increasingly important in today’s development environment. Commonly referred to as “shifting left” or “shifting everywhere,” AppSec integration helps avoid the late-stage testing and development that can delay product releases or lead to overlooked risks being promoted into produ... » read more

Blog Review: Aug. 2

Siemens' Katie Tormala points to the need for die attach thermal testing to ensure efficient removal of heat dissipation from power electronics components to prevent premature failure or thermal runaway. Synopsys's Dermott Lynch notes that over 30% of semiconductor failures are attributed to electrostatic discharge, with damage ranging from leakages and shorts to junction and metallization b... » read more

Battling Over Shrinking Physical Margin In Chips

Smaller process nodes, coupled with a continual quest to add more features into designs, are forcing chipmakers and systems companies to choose which design and manufacturing groups have access to a shrinking pool of technology margin. In the past margin largely was split between the foundries, which imposed highly restrictive design rules (RDRs) to compensate for uncertainties in new proces... » read more

Reducing Chip Test Costs With AI-Based Pattern Optimization

The old adage “time is money” is highly applicable to the production testing of semiconductor devices. Every second that a wafer or chip is under test means that the next part cannot yet be tested. The slower the test throughput, the more automatic test equipment (ATE) is needed to meet production throughput demands. This is a huge issue for chip producers, since high pin counts, blazingly ... » read more

Week In Review: Design, Low Power

Arm is helping to address the ongoing talent shortage through its newly announced Semiconductor Education Alliance, with a long list of partners, including Arduino, Cadence, Cornell University, Semiconductor Research Corp., STMicroelectronics,Synopsys, Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute, the All-India Council for Technical Education, and the University of Southampton. The Alliance... » read more

Shift Left, Extend Right, Stretch Sideways

The EDA industry has been talking about shift left for a few years, but development flows are now being stretched in two additional ways, extending right to include silicon lifecycle management, and sideways to include safety and security. In addition, safety and security join verification and power as being vertical concerns, and we are increasingly seeing interlinking within those concerns. ... » read more

The Good And Bad Of Chip Design On Cloud

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to talk about how the shift toward chip design on cloud has sped up, whether the benefits of cloud are realized in chip design, and some of the most pressing challenges to chip design on cloud today, with Philip Steinke, fellow, CAD infrastructure and physical design at AMD; Mahesh Turaga, vice president of business development for cloud at Cadence Design Syst... » read more

New Technology Accelerates Multi-Die System Simulation

AI-powered chatbots. Robotic manufacturing equipment. Self-driving cars. Bandwidth-intensive applications like these are flourishing—and driving the move from monolithic system-on-chips (SoCs) to multi-die systems. By integrating multiple dies, or chiplets, into a single package, designers can achieve scaling of system functionality at reduced risk and with faster time to market. Multi-die... » read more

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