Vertical AlGaN Heterostructures For Integrated Photonics

A new technical paper titled "AlGaN/AlN heterostructures: an emerging platform for integrated photonics" was published by researchers at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH). Abstract "We introduce a novel material for integrated photonics and investigate aluminum gallium nitride (AlGaN) on aluminum nitride (AlN) templates as a platform for developing reconfig... » read more

Lateral 3 kV AlN SBDs on Bulk AlN Substrates By MOCVD

A new technical paper titled "3 kV AlN Schottky Barrier Diodes on Bulk AlN Substrates by MOCVD" was published by researchers at Arizona State University. Abstract "This letter reports the first demonstration of AlN Schottky diodes on bulk AlN substrates by metalorganic chemical vapor phase deposition (MOCVD) with breakdown voltages exceeding 3 kV. The devices exhibited good rectifying char... » read more

CMOS Compatible Materials With Quantum Defects Suitable For Room Temperature Applications

A technical paper titled “Thin Film Materials for Room Temperature Quantum Applications” was published by researchers at Marquette University. Abstract: "Thin films with quantum defects are emerging as a potential platform for quantum applications. Quantum defects in some thin films arise due to structural imperfections, such as vacancies or impurities. These defects generate localized el... » read more

Research Bits: August 15

Using noise for spintronics Researchers from the Institute for Basic Science built a vertical magnetic tunneling junction device by sandwiching a few layers of vanadium in tungsten diselenide (V-WSe2), a magnetic material, between top and bottom graphene electrodes to create high-amplitude Random Telegraph Noise (RTN) signals. Through the resistance measurement experiments using these devic... » read more

Power Semiconductors: A Deep Dive Into Materials, Manufacturing & Business

Whether you’re the owner of the average smartphone, commuting on trains, or driving around in a Tesla, you use power semiconductor devices every day. In a technology-dependent world, these devices are everywhere, and demand for more types of chips using different materials is growing. In the past, most engineers paid little attention to power semiconductors. They were deemed commodity, off... » read more

Gearing Up For Next-Gen Power Semis

After years in R&D, several vendors are moving closer to shipping power semiconductors and other products based on next-generation wide-bandgap technologies. These devices leverage the properties of new materials, such as aluminum nitride, diamond, and gallium oxide, and they are also utilized in different structures, such as vertical gallium-nitride power devices. But while many of thes... » read more

The Bumpy Road To 5G

5G is coming, but not everywhere, not all at once, and not the fastest version of this technology right away. In fact, the probable scenario is that 5G will be rolled out first in densely populated urban areas, starting in 2020 or 2021, with increasingly widespread adoption over the next decade after that. But 5G is unlikely to ever completely replace 4G LTE, just as a smart phone today roll... » read more

GaN Power Semi Biz Heats Up

The market for devices based on gallium nitride (GaN) technology is heating up amid the push for faster and more power efficient systems. Today, [getkc id="217" kc_name="GaN"] is widely used in the production of LEDs. In addition, it is gaining steam in the radio-frequency (RF) market. And the GaN-based power semiconductor market finally appears ready to take off, after several false starts ... » read more

Making Phones Better

Beneath a smartphone's slick packaging is some interesting, highly sophisticated technology that makes the user experience what it is today. Much of that experience relies on satisfying our ever growing desire for more data capacity for video, social media and the like. Providing that capacity relies on robust filtering to receive just your data stream amongst many nearby other streams. But tha... » read more