China’s Demand Slowdown

It is well known that China is the largest consumer of semiconductors on a regional basis, and as China’s economic growth slows, it is interesting to take a look at where they have the most impact from a product perspective. There are a few surprises. Although the overall semiconductor average selling price in China is a fraction of the total worldwide ASP, China does not always have the lowe... » read more

Rise Of The Old Fab

Growth in the [getkc id="260" comment="Internet of Everything"], along with the beginning of a shift toward systems in package, are creating buzz in a rather unlikely place—established and well-worn process nodes where equipment is scarce, semi-functional, and difficult to maintain. In the past, moving to the next node was a sign of progress, leaving behind the trailing edge of designs to ... » read more

Addressing The Challenges Of IoT Design

Internet of Things (IoT) designs mesh together several design domains in order to successfully develop a product. Individually, these design domains are challenging. Bringing them all together to create an IoT product can place extreme pressure on design teams. The Tanner design flow is architected to seamlessly work in any of these design domains by employing an integrated design flow for desi... » read more

Analog Design And Pattern Matching: A Perfect Pairing

While automated pattern matching is widely used in the digital IC physical verification process, adoption in the analog space has been much slower. In fact, the very nature of customized analog circuits lends itself ideally to some of the newer physical verification techniques offered by automated pattern matching technology, enabling designers to reduce verification time while still ensuring d... » read more

Do Circuits Whisper Or Shout?

Maximizing SoC performance and minimizing power is becoming a multi-layered and multi-company challenge that depends on everything from ecosystem feedback and interactions to micro-architectural decisions about whether analog circuits whisper or shout. What used to be a straightforward architectural tradeoff between performance and power has evolved into a much more diffuse and collaborativ... » read more

Inside Mesh Networks

Ad-hoc wireless mesh networks will be the great enabler for the IoE. Part one discusses the technology behind them. Mesh networks have a huge upside when it comes to the Internet of Everything, but there are also some big issues that have to be resolved. “One of the real challenges with mesh networks is there is not a lot of control of the devices that are joining and leaving the networ... » read more

Inside Mesh Networks

Mesh networks could revolutionize communications in the future. Independent of the Internet we know today, wireless mesh networks (WMN) allow both ad-hoc and fixed wireless “nodes” to form a communications net that can become a very powerful information sharing hub. The idea is that all devices, both user-controlled and autonomous, would be open to act as relay points for the transmissio... » read more

Abstraction: Necessary But Evil

Abstraction allows aspects of a design to be described in an executable form much earlier in the flow. But some abstractions are breaking down, and an increasing amount of lower-level information has to be brought upstream in order to provide estimates that are close enough to reality so informed decisions can be made. The value of abstractions in design cannot be overstated. High levels of ... » read more

Is HW Or SW Running the Show?

In the past, hardware was designed and then passed over to the software team for them to add their contribution to the product. This worked when the amount of software content was small and the practice did not significantly contribute to product delays. Over time, the software content grew and today it is generally accepted that software accounts for more product expense than hardware, takes l... » read more

IoT’s 3 Big Demands On The Semiconductor Industry

Sometime in the last decade or two, whenever you signed up for your first cell phone contract, you became an untethered node in the electronic data network. Of course no one was talking about IoT then, but the trend – machine-to-machine communication and basic computation, often independent of human input – was already well underway. (What else but an early instantiation of IoT was the hand... » read more

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