Open Throttle On Automotive Innovation

Like a race car accelerating out of a turn, the autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicle market is expanding faster than a lot of people expected. IHS Markit, for example, reported earlier this year that more than 33 million autonomous vehicles will be sold globally in 2040. The growth rate, IHS Markit suggests, is going to be torrid since the first year of significant volume for autonomous vehic... » read more

Pace Quickens As Machine Learning Moves To The Edge

Artificial intelligence applications are rapidly changing the way society engages with technology. It wasn’t too long ago that your smart phone couldn’t recognize your face or your thumbprint. It also wasn’t too long ago that Alexa wasn’t helping you navigate your day so easily. And not too long ago, odds are, you weren’t developing an application or device that had AI/ML as its ce... » read more

5 Pitfalls That May Kill The IoT

A couple of weeks ago I participated in a panel titled “The Road to a Trillion Devices” organized by Brian Fuller at Arm TechCon. His closing question was whether we will get to the projected trillion devices in twenty years. My answer was that we may even get there faster. His opening question was what the pitfalls would be to make it difficult to get to trillion devices in the next twenty... » read more

Technology For The Privileged

What happens when something grows quickly? It normally results in progress that is a little uncontrolled. There are no rules to govern it, there is no clearly defined end point, there is nothing that is absolute. That was the focus of the keynote given by Stacey Higginbotham at Arm TechCon. We can all see the good and the benefits that will come from progress, but we also get glimpses of wha... » read more

The Week In Review: Design

Storage Western Digital uncorked disk drives based upon microwave-assisted magnetic recording technology. MAMR technology is one of two energy-assisted technologies the company has under development, the other being heat-assisted magnetic recording. Of the two, Western Digital said only MAMR has achieved the reliability required in data centers. The company noted that densities of its MAMR dev... » read more

The Week In Review: Design

M&A Altair acquired Runtime Design Automation. Founded in 1995, Runtime provides tools for optimizing usage of EDA tools, including flow management, job scheduling, and license utilization, as well as tools for optimizing HPC network resources. Altair's focus is on engineering simulation, with tools for HPC resource management and IoT data analytics. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. ... » read more

The Week In Review: Design

M&A Imagination will sell its MIPS business to Tallwood, a California-based venture capital firm, for $65m in cash. The sale is expected to close in October. The rest of Imagination is slated to be sold to Canyon Bridge for £550 million in cash (~$740 million), a deal dependent on the MIPS sale. The Chinese-backed investment firm has featured recently in the news for its attempted purchas... » read more

“Eating Your Own Dog Food” When Developing An Emulator

It’s a great week for emulation week with ARM TechCon happening in Silicon Valley. Palladium Z1 is a finalist for Best Product in the categories “Best Chip” and “Best System” and we started the week with an announcement that Fujitsu adopted the Cadence Palladium Z1 Enterprise Emulation Platform for their ARMv8-based “Post-K Supercomputer Development.” Cadence has faced some of the... » read more