How To Automate Functional Safety

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss functional safety thinking, techniques and approaches to automation with Mike Stellfox, Fellow at Cadence; Bryan Ramirez, strategic marketing manager at Mentor, a Siemens Business; Jörg Grosse, product manager for functional safety at OneSpin Solutions; and Marc Serughetti, senior director of product marketing for automotive verification solutions ... » read more

Digital Signal Processing for Frequency-Modulated Continuous Wave RADARs

RADAR, LiDAR and vision systems play a critical role in enabling advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving (AD). The automotive ADAS markets are forecast to grow at high rates in the upcoming years, with increasing requirements and system implementation complexity. This paper provides an overview of RADAR technology as used in ADAS applications, including a summary of the... » read more

Aging In Advanced Nodes

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss design reliability and circuit aging with João Geada, chief technologist for the semiconductor business unit at ANSYS; Hany Elhak, product management director, simulation and characterization in the custom IC and PCB group at Cadence; Christoph Sohrmann, advanced physical verification at Fraunhofer EAS; Magdy Abadir, vice president of marketing at ... » read more

Getting To Automotive Grade

Given the amount of activity surrounding automotive semiconductor design today design teams want to know how to approach designs for a market they may not yet be intimately familiar with. EDA vendors are very quickly ramping tools and services to help them get there. One of these is Mentor, A Siemens Business, which has actually been working in this market segment for two decades. Andrew ... » read more

Propelling Autonomous Vehicles Safely And Securely

Last month, when asked about how important it was that Apple not miss out on the opportunities within automotive, Apple CEO Tim Cook told Bloomberg, “There is a major disruption looming there not only for self-driving cars but also the electrification piece. If you’ve driven an all-electric car, it’s actually a marvelous experience, and it’s a marvelous experience not to stop at the... » read more

Smart Antennas Come Into View

Antennas are getting smarter, particularly in light of their increasing complexity, along with the intricacies of the environments — existing and new — they play in. There are interesting ways in which antennas are being integrated into the latest vehicles, some examples of which are in-vehicle approaches that range from a single antenna in the infotainment (behind the screen in front of... » read more

Automotive Is Convergence

Given that there is still much to be done to enable self-driving cars, particularly since security is still a moving target, the name of the game going forward is convergence. That fact is not disputed. What is quite fascinating, however, is to witness the impact of technology applied, as well as watch as the industry grapples with the issues critical to mobility electronics implementation. ... » read more

How To Model Cars

The most technologically advanced and comprehensive consumer product in the world today is not the smartphone. It's the automobile. This is easier to see once the hood is up and you can take a peek around. Today’s cars contain sophisticated motion systems, crash safety systems, climate control systems, driver assistance, and infotainment, to name a few. In semiconductor design, one of the ... » read more

Driving The Road Less Traveled

To a large extent, the automotive industry does not follow traditional design approaches that are seen in the semiconductor industry, mostly because of the way the automotive ecosystem is structured, combined with a level of complexity not seen even in products like smartphones and other highly sophisticated consumer electronic devices. Thomas Heurung, manager of technical sales teams in Eur... » read more

The Automotive V-Cycle

During the research for my article on making cars smarter, I learned from Andrew Patterson at [getentity id="22017" e_name="Mentor Graphics"] that when it comes to the [getkc id="10" kc_name="verification"] side, one well-established practice in the automotive industry is the use of the V-Cycle design methodology (also known as the V-Model) and that carmakers tend to follow that. He explain... » read more

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