Scalability: A Looming Problem In Safety Analysis

The boundless possibilities of automation in cars and other vehicles have captivated designers to the point that electronic content is now a stronger driver of differentiation than any other factor. It accounts for a substantial fraction of material cost in any of these vehicles. But this revolution in automotive technology comes with a caveat. In other applications, an electronics problem may ... » read more

Security Highlight: Honda Rolling-PWN Attack

The attack known as Rolling-PWN (CVE-2021-46145) [1] is the latest of a recent series of security issues affecting the car’s immobilizers and RKEs (Remote Keyless Entry, also known as the keyfob or remote control). Over the past years, we have seen how security researchers identified attacks that could open and even start cars from vendors like Tesla [2], Hyundai-Kia [3], VAG (Volkswagen, ... » read more

Improving Safety And Security For Tomorrow’s Autonomous Vehicles

With the evolution of autonomous vehicles, today’s cars are becoming both more connected and complex. Consumers and suppliers worldwide are demanding much more intelligence and customization, which adds pressure on product development teams to validate the underlying technology and start their design processes months earlier. Enhancements in hardware and software features also mean that the w... » read more

Design For Security Now Essential For Chips, Systems

It's nearly impossible to create a completely secure chip or system, but much can be done to raise the level of confidence about that security. In the past, security was something of an afterthought, disconnected from the architecture and added late in the design cycle. But as chips are used increasingly in safety- and mission-critical systems, and as the value of data continues to rise, the... » read more

Rambus RT-640 Road To ISO 26262 Certification

Modern vehicles incorporate an increasing number of complex integrated circuits. Failures in automotive systems can lead to damage to property, injury or loss of life. Ensuring the reliability of electronic systems is crucial, and the ISO26262 standard documents the requirements for determining automotive functional safety. This white paper details the process for how Rambus achieved the ISO262... » read more

L5 Adoption Hinges on 5G/6G

Truly self-driving cars don’t yet exist, and research shows many consumers are wary of them anyway. What will it take to make fully autonomous cars possible? And how can automakers convince consumers to adopt such vehicles? Experts say the answer to both questions could lie in wireless communication networks. That’s because such networks offer a workaround to a major obstacle in autonomo... » read more

Radar For Automotive: How Far Can A Radar See?

In the previous entries of this blog dedicated to automotive radar, the reason for using radar and the principle of operation of the frequency modulated continuous wave radar were presented. Now, we will focus on the performance of the system, starting with its maximum detection range: how far can we detect an obstacle ahead? We need to have as much foresight as possible, to be able to detect a... » read more

Challenges Grow For Modeling Auto Performance, Power

Rising complexity in automobiles is creating huge challenges about how to add more safety and comfort features and electronics into vehicles without reducing the overall range they can travel or pricing them so high that only the rich can afford them. While the current focus is on modeling hardware and software to understand interactions between systems, this remains a huge challenge. It req... » read more

Driving The Future Of Automotive Displays With Video Compression

Mobile devices have heavily influenced the demand for displays in all areas of our lives over the last decade, and one area where there has been a particularly rapid transformation is in cars. This article will look at some of display trends in cars and investigate how VESA (Video Electronics Standards Association) video compression codecs can be leveraged by automotive designers to meet these ... » read more

Tradeoffs In Archiving Data

If you’ve ever had to sort through old technical documents, wondering what still has value and what can be safely tossed, you can identify with the quandary of Thomas Levy, UCSD professor of anthropology and co-founder of the field of cyber-archaeology. Staring at thousands of pieces of pottery in a Jordanian dessert, he erred on the side of keeping it all. “My personal perspective when ... » read more

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