Chip Industry Week In Review

Three Fraunhofer Institutes (IIS/EAS, IZM, and ENAS) launched the Chiplet Center of Excellence, a research initiative to support the commercial introduction of chiplet technology. The center initially will focus on automotive electronics, developing workflows and methods for electronics design, demonstrator construction, and the evaluation of reliability. The UCIe Consortium published the Un... » read more

Chip Industry Week In Review

President Biden will raise the tariff rate on Chinese semiconductors from 25% to 50% by 2025, among other measures to protect U.S. businesses from China’s trade practices. Also, as part of President Biden’s AI Executive Order, the Administration released steps to protect workers from AI risks, including human oversight of systems and transparency about what systems are being used. Intel ... » read more

Technical Paper Roundup: November 28

New technical papers recently added to Semiconductor Engineering’s library: [table id=169 /] More Reading Technical Paper Library home » read more

Continuous Energy Monte Carlo Particle Transport On AI HW Accelerators

A technical paper titled “Efficient Algorithms for Monte Carlo Particle Transport on AI Accelerator Hardware” was published by researchers at Argonne National Laboratory, University of Chicago, and Cerebras Systems. Abstract: "The recent trend toward deep learning has led to the development of a variety of highly innovative AI accelerator architectures. One such architecture, the Cerebras... » read more

Week In Review: Design, Low Power

Synopsys rolled out an AI-driven design suite called at the Synopsys User Group conference this week, which it says reduces time to better results at multiple points in the design flow. The company noted the new technology uses reinforcement learning, which compensates for relatively small data sets by allowing engineers to interact with that data more easily at any point, and to ch... » read more

Week In Review: Semiconductor Manufacturing, Test

Nikkei Asia reports the U.S. is urging allies, including Japan, to restrict exports of advanced semiconductors and related technology to China. The U.S. holds 12% of the global semiconductor market, Japan has a 15% share, while Taiwan and South Korea each have about a 20% share. Some U.S. companies have called for other countries to adopt U.S.-style export curbs, arguing it is unfair for only A... » read more

Bug-Free Designs

It is possible in theory to create a design with no bugs, but it's impractical, unnecessary, and extremely difficult to prove for bugs you care about. The problem is intractable because the potential state space is enormous for any practical design. The industry has devised ways to handle this complexity, but each has limitations, makes assumptions, and employs techniques that abstract the p... » read more

Synopsys And Cerebras Systems

The Cerebras Systems Wafer-Scale Engine 2 (WSE-2) is by far the largest silicon product available, with a total silicon area of 46,225mm². It utilizes the maximum square of silicon that can be made out of a 300mm diameter wafer. The square of silicon contains 84 die that are 550mm² each. These die were stitched together using proprietary layers of interconnect, making a continuous compute fab... » read more

Week In Review: Manufacturing, Test

Broadcom announced it will acquire cloud computing and virtualization company VMware for about $61 billion in cash and stock, and assume $8 billion in VMware net debt. If all goes as planned, the Broadcom Software Group will rebrand and operate as VMware. “The combined solutions will enable customers, including leaders in all industry verticals, greater choice and flexibility to build, run, m... » read more

Improving PPA With AI

AI/ML/DL is starting to show up in EDA tools for a variety of steps in the semiconductor design flow, many of them aimed at improving performance, reducing power, and speeding time to market by catching errors that humans might overlook. It's unlikely that complex SoCs, or heterogeneous integration in advanced packages, ever will be perfect at first silicon. Still, the number of common error... » read more

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