Week In Review: Auto, Security, Pervasive Computing

From pandemic to war — some of the news this week highlights reactions to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Pervasive computing, IoT, 5G and beyond SpaceX sent Starlink satellite dishes to Ukraine to enable Ukrainian access to the Internet. The caveat is the uplink signals from satellite equipment can be used to triangulate the position of the dish, which can then be hit by missile. The dis... » read more

2022 Chip Forecast: Mixed Signals

Jim Feldhan, president of Semico Research, sat down with Semiconductor Engineering to talk about the outlook for the semiconductor market. SE: What was your final 2021 semiconductor forecast? What is your 2022 semiconductor forecast? Feldhan: For 2021, world semiconductor revenues totaled $558 billion and units totaled over 1.1 trillion units. In terms of growth rate, revenues increased 2... » read more

Will Steering Wheels Ever Disappear?

Autonomous vehicles are touted as the way of the future, and the general assumption is ultimately everything will be autonomous. But there are broad segments of the market where autonomy is unlikely to happen. There is no question that autonomy is possible. In fact, within certain bounds it's already here. Robo-taxis are available in some cities. Mercedes, Tesla, and Lexus are all touting so... » read more

Covid Masks And Forecasts At Semicon

Semicon West 2021 was certainty different, if not surreal, this year. The annual event was held in-person from Dec. 7-9, although there is a virtual component that runs until Jan. 7, 2022. In comparison, Semicon West was an all-virtual event in 2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. At this year’s in-person event in San Francisco, attendees, exhibitors and speakers were all required to wea... » read more

The Return Of DAC In-Person

Apart from masked faces everywhere, you could be excused for not knowing that there was a pandemic going on. Sure, the numbers were down, the show floor was smaller, and most of the parties didn't happen, but everyone was so happy to be able to bump elbows with their colleagues. Buttons were available for attendees to show the level of comfort they had with various types of greetings, from "... » read more

China Accelerates Foundry, Power Semi Efforts

China has unveiled several initiatives to advance its domestic semiconductor industry, including a new and massive fab expansion campaign in the foundry, gallium-nitride (GaN), and silicon carbide (SiC) markets. The nation is making a big push into what it calls “third-generation semiconductors,” which is a misnomer. The term actually refers to two existing and common power semiconductor... » read more

Week In Review: Auto, Security, Pervasive Computing

Automotive The automotive chip shortage is still affecting automotive OEMs. U.S. automakers Ford and GM reported lower 3rd quarter income year over year related to the chip shortage. They, as well as other automotive OEMs around the world, have had to temporarily shut assembly lines down when chips were not available. Infineon Technologies signed a memorandum of understanding with Hyundai M... » read more

China’s IC Industry Revenue On Track to Top $250 Billion In 2025

In the short span of a decade, China’s semiconductor sector has exploded to become one of the largest in the world and match the region’s prominence as the biggest consumer of chips. From 2015 to 2020 alone, revenue of China’s integrated circuit (IC) industry – consisting of IC design, IC manufacturing, and packaging and test – expanded at a rapid clip of 20% CAGR (RMB) to $128 billio... » read more

The Great Quantum Computing Race

Quantum computing is heating up, as a growing number of entities race to benchmark, stabilize, and ultimately commercialize this technology. As of July 2021, a group from China appears to have taken the lead in terms of raw performance, but Google, IBM, Intel and other quantum computer developers aren’t far behind. All of that could change overnight, though. At this point, it's too early t... » read more

EDA, IP Numbers In Record Territory

EDA and semiconductor IP revenue soared to a new high, up 17% worldwide in Q1 compared to the same period in 2020, with revenue in China surging 73%, according to new data from SEMI's Electronic System Design Alliance. For many financial reports outside of semiconductors, strong growth numbers can be misleading because they reflect comparatively weak earnings stemming from pandemic-related s... » read more

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