System-In-Package Thrives In The Shadows

IC packaging continues to play a big role in the development of new electronic products, particularly with system-in-package (SiP), a successful approach that continues to gain momentum — but mostly under the radar because it adds a competitive edge. With a SiP, several chips and other components are integrated into a package, enabling it to function as an electronic system or sub-system. ... » read more

Challenges With Chiplets And Packaging

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss IC packaging technology trends, chiplets, shortages and other topics with William Chen, a fellow at ASE; Michael Kelly, vice president of advanced packaging development and integration at Amkor; Richard Otte, president and CEO of Promex, the parent company of QP Technologies; Michael Liu, senior director of global technical marketing at JCET; and Th... » read more

Wrestling With Analog At 3nm

Analog engineers are facing big challenges at 3nm, forcing them to come up with creative solutions to a widening set of issues at each new process node. Still, these problems must be addressed, because no digital chip will work without at least some analog circuitry. As fabrication technologies shrink, digital logic improves in some combination of power, performance, and area. The process te... » read more

Chiplet-Based Advanced Packaging Technology from 3D/TSV to FOWLP/FHE

T. Fukushima, "Chiplet-Based Advanced Packaging Technology from 3D/TSV to FOWLP/FHE," 2021 Symposium on VLSI Circuits, 2021, pp. 1-2, doi: 10.23919/VLSICircuits52068.2021.9492335. Abstract: "More recently, "chiplets" are expected for further scaling the performance of LSI systems. However, system integration with the chiplets is not a new methodology. The basic concept dates back well over ... » read more

New Approaches For Processor Architectures

Processor vendors are starting to emphasize microarchitectural improvements and data movement over process node scaling, setting the stage for much bigger performance gains in devices that narrowly target what end users are trying to accomplish. The changes are a recognition that domain specificity, and the ability to adjust or adapt designs to unique workloads, are now the best way to impro... » read more

How Chips Will Change Health Care

Jo De Boeck, chief strategy officer and executive vice president at imec, sat down with Semiconductor Engineering to talk about the intersection of medical and semiconductor technology, what's changing in how chips are being used, and what will happen in the short term and long-term. What follows are excerpts of that discussion. SE: Medical technology never advanced at the rate everybody... » read more

Inside Intel’s Ambitious Roadmap

Ann Kelleher, senior vice president and general manager of Technology Development at Intel, sat down with Semiconductor Engineering to talk about the company’s new logic roadmap, as well as lithography, packaging, and process technology. What follows are excerpts of that discussion. SE: Intel recently disclosed its new logic roadmap. Beyond Intel 3, the company is working on Intel 20A. Wit... » read more

Ultra-Small Fan-Out Packaging Solution

With the advent of the Internet and multimedia, electronics miniaturization in the form of integrated circuits has become an indispensable part of our lives. To ensure its long-term operation and reliability, the rapid development of integrated circuits depends on advancements in not only the design and manufacturing of chips, but also its packaging. As the market demand for consumer and com... » read more

Piecing Together Chiplets

Several companies are implementing the chiplet model as a means to develop next-generation 3D-like chip designs, but this methodology still has a long way to go before it becomes mainstream for the rest of the industry. It takes several pieces to bring up a 3D chip design using the chiplet model. A few large players have the pieces, though most are proprietary. Others are missing some key co... » read more

Behind The Intel-GlobalFoundries Rumor

A Wall Street Journal report that Intel is looking to buy GlobalFoundries has sparked discussions across the industry. But what exactly this would mean, and why now versus a couple years ago, needs some context. There are layers upon layers of irony behind this would-be deal, and it dates back decades to some rather famous encounters. Consider former AMD CEO Jerry Sanders' 1991 comment that ... » read more

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