Design Space For The Device-Circuit Codesign Of NVM-Based CIM Accelerators (TSMC)

A new technical paper titled "Assessing Design Space for the Device-Circuit Codesign of Nonvolatile Memory-Based Compute-in-Memory Accelerators" was published by TSMC researchers. Abstract "Unprecedented penetration of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms has brought about rapid innovations in electronic hardware, including new memory devices. Nonvolatile memory (NVM) devices offer one s... » read more

Power Delivery Challenges in 3D HI CIM Architectures for AI Accelerators (Georgia Tech)

A new technical paper titled "Co-Optimization of Power Delivery Network Design for 3D Heterogeneous Integration of RRAM-based Compute In-Memory Accelerators" was published by researchers at Georgia Tech. Abstract: "3D heterogeneous integration (3D HI) offers promising solutions for incorporating substantial embedded memory into cutting-edge analog compute-in-memory (CIM) AI accelerators, ad... » read more

SRAM With Mixed Signal Logic With Noise Immunity in 3nm Nanosheet (IBM)

A new technical paper titled "SRAM and Mixed-Signal Logic With Noise Immunity in 3nm Nano-Sheet Technology" was published by researchers at IBM T. J. Watson Research Center and IBM. Abstract "A modular 4.26Mb SRAM based on a 82Kb/block structure with mixed signal logic is fabricated, characterized, and demonstrated with full functionality in a 3nm nanosheet (NS) technology. Designed macros ... » read more

Energy Analysis: 2D and 3D Architectures with Systolic Arrays and CIM (Cornell)

A new technical paper titled "Energy-/Carbon-Aware Evaluation and Optimization of 3D IC Architecture with Digital Compute-in-Memory Designs" was published by researchers at Cornell University. "In this paper, we investigate digital CIM (DCIM) macros and various 3D architectures to find the opportunity of increased energy efficiency compared to 2D structures. Moreover, we also investigated th... » read more

Intel Vs. Samsung Vs. TSMC

The three leading-edge foundries — Intel, Samsung, and TSMC — have started filling in some key pieces in their roadmaps, adding aggressive delivery dates for future generations of chip technology and setting the stage for significant improvements in performance with faster delivery time for custom designs. Unlike in the past, when a single industry roadmap dictated how to get to the next... » read more

Ultra-Low Power CiM Design For Practical Edge Scenarios

A technical paper titled “Low Power and Temperature-Resilient Compute-In-Memory Based on Subthreshold-FeFET” was published by researchers at Zhejiang University, University of Notre Dame, Technical University of Munich, Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence, and the Laboratory of Collaborative Sensing and Autonomous Unmanned Systems of Zhejiang Province. Abstract: "Compute... » read more

3D Integration Supports CIM Versatility And Accuracy

Compute-in-memory (CIM) is gaining attention due to its efficiency in limiting the movement of massive volumes of data, but it's not perfect. CIM modules can help reduce the cost of computation for AI workloads, and they can learn from the highly efficient approaches taken by biological brains. When it comes to versatility, scalability, and accuracy, however, significant tradeoffs are requir... » read more

CiM Integration For ML Inference Acceleration

A technical paper titled “WWW: What, When, Where to Compute-in-Memory” was published by researchers at Purdue University. Abstract: "Compute-in-memory (CiM) has emerged as a compelling solution to alleviate high data movement costs in von Neumann machines. CiM can perform massively parallel general matrix multiplication (GEMM) operations in memory, the dominant computation in Machine Lear... » read more

Increasing AI Energy Efficiency With Compute In Memory

Skyrocketing AI compute workloads and fixed power budgets are forcing chip and system architects to take a much harder look at compute in memory (CIM), which until recently was considered little more than a science project. CIM solves two problems. First, it takes more energy to move data back and forth between memory and processor than to actually process it. And second, there is so much da... » read more

CMOS-Based HW Topology For Single-Cycle In-Memory XOR/XNOR Operations

A technical paper titled “CMOS-based Single-Cycle In-Memory XOR/XNOR” was published by researchers at University of Tennessee, University of Virginia, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Abstract: "Big data applications are on the rise, and so is the number of data centers. The ever-increasing massive data pool needs to be periodically backed up in a secure environment. Moreover, a ... » read more

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