What Not To Verify

It is well understood that [getkc id="10" kc_name="verification"] is all about mitigating and managing risk, and success here begins with a good verification planning process. During the planning process, the project team creates a list of specific design functions and use cases that must be verified—and they identify the technique used to verify each specific item on the list. That list c... » read more

Is Your IP-Verification Environment Trying To Kill You?

I was watching an old episode of The Office the other night. It was the one where a GPS guided the lead characters into a lake. While we've all fallen victim to a GPS gone bad. Most of us are fortunate enough not to trust technology blindly enough to drive into a lake (or in my case, onto the tarmac at Ft. Lauderdale International). Yet, it's surprisingly easy to find parallels in real life whe... » read more

Fixing Functional Coverage

Constrained random test pattern generation entered the scene a couple of decades ago as a better way to spend time and resources for the creation of stimulus. Stimulus definition had become an arduous task—defining the patterns necessary to exercise designs of increasing size. It was successfully argued that spending time writing models instead of creating stimulus and having a computer p... » read more

Coverage-Driven Verification Isn’t Complete Without Low-Power Metrics

Coverage-driven verification enables the structured, measurable and manageable verification of today’s extraordinarily large and complex SoCs. Establishing predetermined objectives and planning for verification tasks is crucial to achieving closure on overall goals, and creating the comprehensive set of metrics to track during the verification process enables schedule predictability and confi... » read more

User Defined Fault Models

This white paper describes the functionality of user defined fault models (UDFM), including gate exhaustive UDFM and cell-aware UDFM, and the effectiveness of lowering DPM in devices. To achieve today's quality and defect-per-million (DPM) goals, high-quality testing must achieve very high defect coverage. Testing today typically consists of generating test patterns based on multiple fault m... » read more

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