Progress On General-Purpose Quantum Computers

The race is on to scale up quantum computing, transforming it from an esoteric research tool into a commercially viable, general-purpose machine. Special-purpose quantum computers have been available for several years now. Systems like D-Wave’s Advantage focus on specific classes of problems that are amenable to modeling as quantum systems. Still, the ultimate goal of having a general purp... » read more

Manufacturing Bits: July 27

Merchant quantum processors Startup QuantWare has launched the world’s first merchant and off-the-shelf superconducting processor for quantum computers. QuantWare’s quantum processor unit (QPU), called Soprano, is a 5-qubit device. The QPU can be customized for various applications. The device is ideal for research institutions and university labs. Quantum computing is a hot topic. A... » read more

The Great Quantum Computing Race

Quantum computing is heating up, as a growing number of entities race to benchmark, stabilize, and ultimately commercialize this technology. As of July 2021, a group from China appears to have taken the lead in terms of raw performance, but Google, IBM, Intel and other quantum computer developers aren’t far behind. All of that could change overnight, though. At this point, it's too early t... » read more

Covid-19 Tech Bits: April 14

Modeling coronavirus spread Four teams of Finnish researchers have modeled the coughing spread of COVID-19 in tight indoor areas, such as grocery stores and public transportation systems, using a supercomputer and 3D visualization. “The aerosol cloud spreads outside the immediate vicinity of the coughing person and dilutes in the process," said Aalto University Assistant Professor Ville V... » read more

Toward Defining Qubits

Quantum computing, by many accounts the future of high-performance computing, will be blazing fast, state-dependent, and it will require extremely cold operating temperatures. But beyond some general areas of agreement, comparing progress made by companies or different research groups is confusing. What's missing is a simple nomenclature to define some of the basic technology used in quantum... » read more

What’s Next For Transistors

The IC industry is moving in several different directions at once. The largest chipmakers continue to march down process nodes with chip scaling, while others are moving towards various advanced packaging schemes. On top of that, post-CMOS devices, neuromorphic chips and quantum computing are all in the works. Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss these technologies with Marie Semeri... » read more

Quantum Computer Race Heats Up

For years, there has been an intense race among various nations to develop the world’s fastest supercomputers. The U.S. and Japan led the field until 2010, when China stunned the market and rolled out the world’s fastest supercomputer. And today, China continues to lead the field with a supercomputer capable of running at speeds of 33.86 petaflops per second. While the supercomputer race... » read more

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