Shifting The Design Paradigm To Improve Verification Efficiency

We are in the midst of a verification crisis manifested by a growing gap between verification efficiency and effectiveness. This crisis cannot be solved through improvements in verification methodologies and techniques alone. Indeed, it requires a philosophical change in the way we approach design, with an emphasis on bug prevention. We refer to this fundamental change as design using intent-fo... » read more

Comparing Formal And Simulation Code Coverage

There is a difference in semantics between code coverage generated from a simulator engine and code coverage generated from a formal engine. This paper seeks to raise the awareness of verification engineers on how best to make use of the code coverage data generated by different verification engines. The paper lays out the reasons for using code coverage and describes how simulation code covera... » read more

Who Will Own Debug?

Recently, I had an interesting conversation with a verification leader of one of the world’s leading semiconductors companies. He has some 150 verification engineers in his organization and the group has been exploring EDA solutions for many years. While we’ve exchanged many ideas about EDA and innovation, one sentence that he said stays in my head: Whoever will own debug, will own th... » read more

Intelligent Waveform Replay For Efficient Debug

There is no doubt that design reuse is essential for today’s massive system on chip (SoC) projects. No team, no matter how large or how talented, can design billions of gates from scratch for each new chip. From the earliest days, development teams have leveraged existing gate level designs and register transfer level (RTL) code whenever possible. The emergence of the commercial intellectual ... » read more

Increasing IP And SoC Debug Efficiency 10X With Intelligent Waveform Reuse

Design and verification reuse lies at the very heart of every modern chip development effort. A system on chip (SoC) project with billions of gates cannot possibly be completed in reasonable time without leveraging blocks from prior projects and commercial intellectual property (IP) offerings. These reused blocks are themselves challenging to develop since they are as large and complex as previ... » read more

Domain-Specific Design Drives EDA Changes

The chip design ecosystem is beginning to pivot toward domain-specific architectures, setting off a scramble among tools vendors to simplify and optimize existing tools and methodologies. The move reflects a sharp slowdown in Moore's Law scaling as the best approach for improving performance and reducing power. In its place, chipmakers — which now includes systems companies — are pushing... » read more

The Third Generation Of FPGA Prototyping

Bench setups with physical prototypes lie at the very heart of electrical and electronic engineering. With all due respect to the many powerful forms of modeling and simulation, at some point the engineering team wants to work with hardware. When a system is built entirely from existing components, it is possible to build a prototype of the product as soon as it has been designed. When the desi... » read more

Improving Volume Diagnosis and Debug with Test Failure Clustering and Reorganization

Abstract: "Volume diagnosis and debug play a key role in identifying systematic test failures caused by manufacturing defectivity, design marginalities, and test overkill. However, diagnosis tools often suffer from poor diagnosis resolution. In this paper, we propose techniques to improve diagnosis resolution by test failure clustering and reorganization. The effectiveness of our techniques ... » read more

Gaps In The AI Debug Process

When an AI algorithm is deployed in the field and gives an unexpected result, it's often not clear whether that result is correct. So what happened? Was it wrong? And if so, what caused the error? These are often not simple questions to answer. Moreover, as with all verification problems, the only way to get to the root cause is to break the problem down into manageable pieces. The semico... » read more

Two Methods For Debugging SW Workloads On Arm-Based SoCs

By Andy Meier and Tomasz Piekarz In a typical system-on-a-chip (SoC) development project, chip architects will make a given SoC's initial specification available to design teams years in advance of the silicon. As requirements change, they will modify both the hardware and software specifications. Typically, a large portion of the software development occurs much later in the development pro... » read more

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