FPGA Equivalence Checking For A Nuclear Safety Controller

Every chip development team wants to find and fix all the bugs they possibly can in pre-silicon verification. Turning a chip to fix issues found in the bring-up lab incurs high costs and product delays; bugs found in the field are even more expensive to repair. But for some applications, including military/aerospace, implanted medical devices, and autonomous vehicles, the consequences of a faul... » read more

OneSpin Users Gather in Munich

Even more than most other high-tech companies, EDA vendors rely on their users for many aspects of their success. Of course, customers provide the revenue that fuels the business, but their influence goes far beyond that. Many features in EDA tools, and even entire categories of products, arise from working closely with advanced users. Even before traditional Beta-testing, selected users provid... » read more

High-Level Design And High-Level Verification

Not so long ago, some EDA vendors were painting a very attractive picture of chip design in the then-near future. The idea was that an architectural team would write a single description of the complete system in some high-level language, usually C/C++/SystemC, and that a new class of EDA tool would automatically partition the design into hardware and software, choosing the functionality of eac... » read more

Formal Datapath Verification

J.T. Longino, formal verification application engineer at Synopsys, drills down into how to achieve confidence in datapath designs by applying formal solvers and methods to data transformation areas of a design rather than the control path areas. https://youtu.be/n1zO3GxEZVI     See other tech talk videos here. » read more

Will FPGAs Work As Expected?

OneSpin Solutions’ Muhammed Haque Khan, product specialist for synthesis verification, digs into equivalence checking in FPGA designs and what can go wrong with FPGA designs. https://youtu.be/RFlP2Z_-Yqs » read more

The Week In Review: Design

Tools Cadence unveiled a new equivalence checking tool which features a massively parallel architecture capable of scaling to 100s of CPUs and adaptive proof technology that analyzes each partition and determines the optimal formal algorithm. According to the company, the Conformal Smart Logic Equivalence Checker provides an average of 4X runtime improvement with the same resources over the pr... » read more

Formal’s Roadmap

Formal verification has come a long way in the past five years as it focused on narrow tasks within the verification flow. Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss that progress, and the future of formal technologies, with [getperson id="11306" comment="Raik Brinkmann"], president and CEO of [getentity id="22395" e_name="OneSpin Solutions"]; Harry Foster, chief verification scientist at [g... » read more

The New Face of Formal

Semiconductor engineering sat down to discuss the recent growth in adoption of formal technologies and tools with Lawrence Loh, product engineering group director at [getentity id="22032" e_name="Cadence"], Praveen Tiwari, senior manager R&D, verification group at [getentity id="22035" e_name="Synopsys"], Harry Foster, chief scientist at [getentity id="22017" e_name="Mentor Graphics"], Normando... » read more

Equivalence Checking

Everyone is consumed by power these days. The less power our devices use, the better—the longer our batteries will last, the more applications we can use simultaneously, the less HVAC capacity is required by the data center, etc. Clock-gating is one widely used technique to save power in ASIC designs. However, clock gating can significantly impact the structural and behavioral elements of the... » read more

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