Nonvolatile Capacitive Crossbar Array for In-Memory Computing

Abstract "Conventional resistive crossbar array for in-memory computing suffers from high static current/power, serious IR drop, and sneak paths. In contrast, the “capacitive” crossbar array that harnesses transient current and charge transfer is gaining attention as it 1) only consumes dynamic power, 2) has no DC sneak paths and avoids severe IR drop (thus, selector-free), and 3) can be f... » read more

A Ferroelectric Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor

Abstract: "Ferroelectric field-effect transistors employ a ferroelectric material as a gate insulator, the polarization state of which can be detected using the channel conductance of the device. As a result, the devices are potentially of use in non-volatile memory technology, but they suffer from short retention times, which limits their wider application. Here, we report a ferroelectric sem... » read more

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