When Is Verification Complete?

Deciding when verification is done is becoming a much more difficult decision, prompting verification teams to increasingly rely on metrics rather than just the tests listed in the verification plan. This trend has been underway for the past couple of process nodes, but it takes time to spot trends and determine whether they are real or just aberrations. The Wilson Research Group conducts a ... » read more

And The Winners Are… 10 Formal Solutions To Einstein’s Riddle

A few months back, OneSpin asked engineers to solve the classic Einstein’s Riddle using a formal tool. The challenge became hugely popular, and we received many outstanding solutions. To check out the riddle itself and the top 10 solutions created by leading engineers, click here. In this blog, we take another look at the riddle, review the best solutions and announce the winners. We ha... » read more

The Safe Road Trip Thanks To Formal Verification

School’s out, gas is cheap and families in the U.S. are piling into their cars or minivans to take the time-honored cross-country road trip. These days, kids in the backseat don’t need to entertain themselves by spotting the license plates from the 50 U.S. states or picking a fight with their brother or sister. Instead, they can be kept amused with the vehicle’s sophisticated entertainmen... » read more

Formal Verification’s Continental Divide

Formal verification is picking up steam with engineering groups worldwide doing complex functional verification for bug-free and reliable digital chips. In fact, many difficult verification challenges are solved with formal verification, given its flexibility in targeting a broad range of verification challenges. Recent advances in formal verification’s ease of use and capacity has made it an... » read more

Can Formal Replace Simulation?

A year ago, [getentity id="22147" comment="Oski Technology"] achieved something that had never happened before. It brought together 15 of the top minds in [getkc id="33" kc_name="formal verification"] deployment and sat them down in a room to discuss the problems and issues they face and the ways in which they are attempting to solve those problems. Semiconductor Engineering was there to record... » read more

Rediscovering Coverage Insurance

When coverage comes up in conversation, if it comes up at all, it’s always a matter of car, home or health insurance. Coverage and functional verification are unlikely to be used in that discussion, or any other for that matter. That’s too bad because engineering groups grapple with when is enough verification enough, like some kind of coverage insurance. Oh sure, simulation and emulatio... » read more

10 Ways To Skin A Formal Puzzle

During the holidays, OneSpin issued a challenge to solve the classic Einstein’s Riddle using any formal verification tool. Although this puzzle was meant to be a little holiday fun, its solution required thought and some useful formal techniques applicable in everyday functional verification. We received a broad range of answers from engineers across the globe in different companies, inclu... » read more

Carving Up Verification

Anirudh Devgan, executive vice president and general manager of [getentity id="22032" e_name="Cadence's"] System & Verification Group, sat down with Semiconductor Engineering to discuss the evolution of verification. What follows are excerpts of that conversation. SE: What’s changing in [getkc id="10" kc_name="verification"]? Devgan: Parallelism, greater capacity and multiple engine... » read more

Why Auto Designs Take So Long

Designing chips for the automotive market is adding significant overhead, particularly for chips with stringent safety requirements. On the verification side it could result in an additional 6 to 12 months of work. On the design side, developing the same processor in the mobile market would take 6 fewer man months. And when it comes to complex electronic control units (ECUs) or [getkc id="81... » read more

Find Your Way To San Jose Next Week… For DVCon, Of Course!

If you’re asked “Do you know the way to San Jose?” in the next few days, chances are it’s a newbie to DVCon. Everyone else in chip design verification knows the way to the annual Design and Verification Conference and Exhibition about to convene at the San Jose DoubleTree Hotel. This year’s program is stacking up to be an insightful and educational four days of tutorials, paper ses... » read more

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