Formal’s Roadmap

Formal verification has come a long way in the past five years as it focused on narrow tasks within the verification flow. Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss that progress, and the future of formal technologies, with [getperson id="11306" comment="Raik Brinkmann"], president and CEO of [getentity id="22395" e_name="OneSpin Solutions"]; Harry Foster, chief verification scientist at [g... » read more

Optimizing Multiple IoT Layers

As the number of connected devices rises, so do questions about how to optimize them for target markets, how to ensure they play nicely together, and how to bring them to market quickly and inexpensively. [getkc id="76" kc_name="IoT"] is broad term that encompasses a lot of disparate pieces for devices, systems, and connected systems. At the highest levels are hardware and software, but with... » read more

Homogeneous And Heterogeneous Computing Collide

Eleven years ago processors stopped scaling due to diminishing returns and the breakdown of [getkc id="213" kc_name="Dennard's Law"]. That set in motion a chain of events from which the industry has still not fully recovered. The transition to homogeneous multi-core processing presented the software side with a problem that they did not know how to solve, namely how to optimize the usage of ... » read more

Too Big To Simulate?

With system design complexity set on a steady upward trajectory, there are situations in which traditional simulation just can’t keep up. The alternative—and one being used by Google, Uber, Ford, GM, Volvo, Audi and others with autonomous vehicles— is to test cars on the road and collect data for later analysis. “They're not simulating, they're just doing it all in the real world ... » read more

From The Data Center To The Mobile Edge

At the heart of the Internet of Things is the complex interplay between the needs for both low power and high performance (LPHP), a perplexing challenge rooted in the de-facto bifurcation of the IoT itself. For example, lower power mobile devices, systems and lite endpoints make up the vast majority of forward-facing consumer infrastructure, while high-performance servers at the back end are ta... » read more

Betting On Power And Deep Learning

Jim Hogan, managing partner of Vista Ventures, sat down with Semiconductor Engineering to talk about what investments deliver the biggest returns, how quickly, and why there are so few investors in some big growth areas. What follows are excerpts of that conversation. SE: What are you investing in these days and why? Hogan: I have about 15 active deals right now. I generally invest in thi... » read more

The Zen Of Processor Design

Mark Papermaster, chief technology officer at Advanced Micro Devices, sat down with Semiconductor Engineering to discuss how to keep improving performance per watt, new packaging options, and the increasing focus on customization for specific tasks. What follows are excerpts of that conversation. SE: As we get more into the IoT and we have to deal with more data, not to mention cars where da... » read more

Cars, Security, and HW/SW Co-Design

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss parallel hardware/software design with Johannes Stahl, director of product marketing, prototyping and FPGA, [getentity id="22035" e_name="Synopsys"]; [getperson id="11411" comment="Bill Neifert"], director of models technology, [getentity id="22186" comment="ARM"]; Hemant Kumar, director of ASIC design, Nvidia; and Scott Constable, senior member of ... » read more

Making Drones Secure

Critics have accused drones of creating multiple dangers, including invading privacy, colliding with other aircraft, threatening personal safety and even frightening livestock. Yet the biggest drone threat of all may turn out to be attacks made on the vehicles themselves. Drones, also known as UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) and UASs (unmanned aerial systems), need a variety of internal ... » read more

It’s Time To Get Your University In Sync With Zynq

By Zach Nelson It’s time for universities to say goodbye to their outdated FPGA boards and introduce the Xilinx Zynq chip. The chip is a device which combines an FPGA fabric with a processing unit. The chip is very similar to other FPGA devices, but it does have a few key advantages and features that can enhance your designs and increase its capabilities. What can Zynq do? The Zynq ... » read more

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