A HW-Based Correct Execution Environment Supporting Virtual Memory (Korea U., KAIST)

A new technical paper titled "A Hardware-Based Correct Execution Environment Supporting Virtual Memory" was published by researchers at Korea University, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology and other universities. Abstract "The rapid increase in data generation has led to outsourcing computation to cloud service providers, allowing clients to handle large tasks without inve... » read more

Security Technical Paper Roundup: Aug. 27

A number of hardware security-related technical papers were presented at the August 2024 USENIX Security Symposium. The organization provides open access research, and the presentation slides and papers are free to the public. Topics include side-channel attacks and defenses, embedded security, fuzzing, fault injection, logic locking, Rowhammer, and more. Here are some highlights with associate... » read more

Hardware Security Set To Grow Quickly

Experts At The Table: The hardware security ecosystem is young and relatively small but could see a major boom in the coming years. As companies begin to acknowledge how vulnerable their hardware is, industry standards are being set, but must leave room for engineers to experiment. As part of an effort to determine the best way forward, Semiconductor Engineering sat down with a panel of experts... » read more

A Generic Approach For Fuzzing Arbitrary Hypervisors

A technical paper titled “HYPERPILL: Fuzzing for Hypervisor-bugs by Leveraging the Hardware Virtualization Interface” was presented at the August 2024 USENIX Security Symposium by researchers at EPFL, Boston University, and Zhejiang University. Abstract: "The security guarantees of cloud computing depend on the isolation guarantees of the underlying hypervisors. Prior works have presented... » read more

Uncovering A Significant Residual Attack Surface For Cross-Privilege Spectre-V2 Attacks

A technical paper titled “InSpectre Gadget: Inspecting the Residual Attack Surface of Cross-privilege Spectre v2” was presented at the August 2024 USENIX Security Symposium by researchers at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Abstract: "Spectre v2 is one of the most severe transient execution vulnerabilities, as it allows an unprivileged attacker to lure a privileged (e.g., kernel) victim into... » read more

Data Memory-Dependent Prefetchers Pose SW Security Threat By Breaking Cryptographic Implementations

A technical paper titled “GoFetch: Breaking Constant-Time Cryptographic Implementations Using Data Memory-Dependent Prefetchers” was presented at the August 2024 USENIX Security Symposium by researchers at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, University of Texas at Austin, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of California Berkeley, University of Washington, and Carnegie Mellon U... » read more

A New Low-Cost HW-Counterbased RowHammer Mitigation Technique

A technical paper titled “ABACuS: All-Bank Activation Counters for Scalable and Low Overhead RowHammer Mitigation” was presented at the August 2024 USENIX Security Symposium by researchers at ETH Zurich. Abstract: "We introduce ABACuS, a new low-cost hardware-counterbased RowHammer mitigation technique that performance-, energy-, and area-efficiently scales with worsening Ro... » read more

Heterogeneity Of 3DICs As A Security Vulnerability

A new technical paper titled "Harnessing Heterogeneity for Targeted Attacks on 3-D ICs" was published by Drexel University. Abstract "As 3-D integrated circuits (ICs) increasingly pervade the microelectronics industry, the integration of heterogeneous components presents a unique challenge from a security perspective. To this end, an attack on a victim die of a multi-tiered heterogeneous 3-... » read more

Secure Low-Cost In-DRAM Trackers For Mitigating Rowhammer (Georgia Tech, Google, Nvidia)

A new technical paper titled "MINT: Securely Mitigating Rowhammer with a Minimalist In-DRAM Tracker" was published by researchers at Georgia Tech, Google, and Nvidia. Abstract "This paper investigates secure low-cost in-DRAM trackers for mitigating Rowhammer (RH). In-DRAM solutions have the advantage that they can solve the RH problem within the DRAM chip, without relying on other parts of ... » read more

Chip Security Now Depends On Widening Supply Chain

Securing chips is becoming more challenging as SoCs are disaggregated into chiplets, creating new vulnerabilities that involve hardware and software, as well as multiple entities, and extending threats across a much broader supply chain. In the past, much of the cyber threat model was confined to either hardware or software, and where multiple vendors were involved, various chips were separa... » read more

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