DRAM Microarchitectures And Their Impacts On Activate-Induced Bitflips Such As RowHammer 

A technical paper titled “DRAMScope: Uncovering DRAM Microarchitecture and Characteristics by Issuing Memory Commands” was published by researchers at Seoul National University and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Abstract: "The demand for precise information on DRAM microarchitectures and error characteristics has surged, driven by the need to explore processing in memory, enh... » read more

Comparing Leakage Detection Methods On RISC-V Cores (Radboud University)

A technical paper titled “Plan your defense: A comparative analysis of leakage detection methods on RISC-V cores” was published by researchers at Radboud University. Abstract: "Hardening microprocessors against side-channel attacks is a critical aspect of ensuring their security. A key step in this process is identifying and mitigating “leaky” hardware modules, which inadvertently lea... » read more

Using AI/ML To Combat Cyberattacks

Machine learning is being used by hackers to find weaknesses in chips and systems, but it also is starting to be used to prevent breaches by pinpointing hardware and software design flaws. To make this work, machine learning (ML) must be trained to identify vulnerabilities, both in hardware and software. With proper training, ML can detect cyber threats and prevent them from accessing critic... » read more

Hardware Fuzzer Utilizing LLMs

A new technical paper titled "Beyond Random Inputs: A Novel ML-Based Hardware Fuzzing" was published by researchers at TU Darmstadt and Texas A&M University. Abstract "Modern computing systems heavily rely on hardware as the root of trust. However, their increasing complexity has given rise to security-critical vulnerabilities that cross-layer at-tacks can exploit. Traditional hardware ... » read more

Chiplet Hardware Security Module To Mitigate Security Vulnerabilities In SiP Systems (Univ. of Florida)

A new technical paper titled "Advancing Trustworthiness in System-in-Package: A Novel Root-of-Trust Hardware Security Module for Heterogeneous Integration" was published by researchers at University of Florida (Gainesville). Abstract: "The semiconductor industry has adopted heterogeneous integration (HI), incorporating modular intellectual property (IP) blocks (chiplets) into a unified syst... » read more

Rowhammer Exploitation On AMD Platforms, DDR4 DDR5 (ETH Zurich)

A new technical paper titled "ZenHammer: Rowhammer Attacks on AMD Zen-based Platforms" was published by researchers at ETH Zurich. The work will be presented at USENIX Security Symposium in August 2024. Abstract: "AMD has gained a significant market share in recent years with the introduction of the Zen microarchitecture. While there are many recent Rowhammer attacks launched from Intel CPU... » read more

New Memory Architecture For Local Differential Privacy in Hardware

A technical paper titled "Two Birds with One Stone: Differential Privacy by Low-power SRAM Memory" was published by researchers at North Carolina State University, University of South Alabama, and University of Tennessee. Abstract "The software-based implementation of differential privacy mechanisms has been shown to be neither friendly for lightweight devices nor secure against side-channe... » read more

Verifying Hardware CWEs in RTL Designs Generated by GenAI

A new technical paper titled "All Artificial, Less Intelligence: GenAI through the Lens of Formal Verification" was published by researchers at Infineon Technologies. Abstract "Modern hardware designs have grown increasingly efficient and complex. However, they are often susceptible to Common Weakness Enumerations (CWEs). This paper is focused on the formal verification of CWEs in a dataset... » read more

Hardware Trojans: CPU-Oriented Trojan Trigger Circuits (Georgia Tech)

A new technical paper titled "Towards Practical Fabrication Stage Attacks Using Interrupt-Resilient Hardware Trojans" was published by researchers at Georgia Tech. The paper states: "We introduce a new class of hardware trojans called interrupt-resilient trojans (IRTs). Our work is motivated by the observation that hardware trojan attacks on CPUs, even under favorable attack scenarios (e.g.... » read more

Suppressing Power Side-Channel Attacks: A HW/SW Design For Resource-Constrained IoT Devices

A technical paper titled “Hardware/Software Cooperative Design Against Power Side-Channel Attacks on IoT Devices” was published by researchers at Tokyo Institute of Technology and the University of Electro-Communications. Abstract: "With the growth of Internet of Things (IoT) era, the protection of secret information on IoT devices is becoming increasingly important. For IoT devices, atta... » read more

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