Developing An Unbreakable Cybersecurity System

Cyberattacks are increasing in frequency and sophistication, and the impact of those attacks is increasing almost exponentially as the amount and value of data continues to grow. Cybersecurity Ventures projected the annual cost of cybercrime will grow from $8 trillion in 2023 to $210.5 trillion by 2025, with no end in sight. On the target list are a slew of industrial and commercial segments... » read more

Chips Getting More Secure, But Not Quickly Enough

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to talk about the impact of heterogeneous integration, more advanced RISC-V designs, and a growing awareness of security threats, with Mike Borza, Synopsys scientist; John Hallman, product manager for trust and security at Siemens EDA; Pete Hardee, group director for product management at Cadence; Paul Karazuba, vice president of marketin... » read more

EV Charging Hardware Attacks

A technical paper titled "ChargeX: Exploring State Switching Attack on Electric Vehicle Charging Systems" was published by researchers at Michigan State University, Washington University in St. Louis, and Texas A&M University. Abstract: "Electric Vehicle (EV) has become one of the promising solutions to the ever-evolving environmental and energy crisis. The key to the wide adoption of E... » read more

Circuit Layout-Level Hardware Trojan Detection

A new technical paper titled "A Needle in the Haystack: Inspecting Circuit Layout to Identify Hardware Trojans" was published by researchers at The University of Texas at Dallas and Qualcomm. Abstract "Distributed integrated circuit (IC) supply chain has resulted in a myriad of security vulnerabilities including that of hardware Trojan (HT). An HT can perform malicious modifications on an I... » read more

Attestation Scheme Monitoring The Prover Using Hardware Security Module Connected To Its System Bus (Oxford)

A technical paper titled "Hardware-assisted remote attestation design for critical embedded systems" was published by researchers at University of Oxford. Abstract (excerpt) "To reveal attack scenarios exploiting the memory regions and time windows left unattested, we propose an attestation scheme that can continuously monitor both static and dynamic memory regions with better spatial and t... » read more

IC Security Issues Grow, Solutions Lag

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to talk about the growing chip security threat and what's being done to mitigate it, with Mike Borza, Synopsys scientist; John Hallman, product manager for trust and security at Siemens EDA; Pete Hardee, group director for product management at Cadence; Paul Karazuba, vice president of marketing at Expedera; and Dave Kelf, CEO of Breker V... » read more

State of the Art And Future Directions of Rowhammer (ETH Zurich)

A new technical paper titled "Fundamentally Understanding and Solving RowHammer" was published by researchers at ETH Zurich. Abstract "We provide an overview of recent developments and future directions in the RowHammer vulnerability that plagues modern DRAM (Dynamic Random Memory Access) chips, which are used in almost all computing systems as main memory. RowHammer is the phenomenon in... » read more

Hybrid Hardware Fuzzer, Combining Capabilities of Formal Verification Methods And Fuzzing Tools

A new technical paper titled "HyPFuzz: Formal-Assisted Processor Fuzzing" was published by researchers at Texas A&M University and Technische Universität Darmstadt. Abstract: "Recent research has shown that hardware fuzzers can effectively detect security vulnerabilities in modern processors. However, existing hardware fuzzers do not fuzz well the hard-to-reach design spaces. Consequently,... » read more

Overview of Machine Learning Algorithms Used In Hardware Security (TU Delft)

A new technical paper titled "A Survey on Machine Learning in Hardware Security" was published by researchers at TU Delft. Abstract "Hardware security is currently a very influential domain, where each year countless works are published concerning attacks against hardware and countermeasures. A significant number of them use machine learning, which is proven to be very effective in ... » read more

Covert Channel Between the CPU and An FPGA By Modulating The Usage of the Power Distribution Network

A new technical paper titled "CPU to FPGA Power Covert Channel in FPGA-SoCs" was published by researchers at TU Munich and Fraunhofer Research Institution AISEC. Abstract: "FPGA-SoCs are a popular platform for accelerating a wide range of applications due to their performance and flexibility. From a security point of view, these systems have been shown to be vulnerable to various attacks... » read more

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